Reviews for Cain
HollyVanDerBerg chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
I absolutely loved this but Isabelle's eyes aren't blue! Otherwise it's a great story!
sweetangel-babycakes chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
This was really beautiful. Like.. I can't begin to explain how much this story just made me feel. It's sad, sweet, and realistic. It's awesome. Legendary
Brevil chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
Written so well, I could feel a lot of emotion. I don't usually like the ffs that focuses on how they can't be together, but in yours it works. It was fantastically in character for both of them. cheers
vapanalley chapter 1 . 9/19/2011
This. Is totally something I can see happening. And I love the way you wrote this, not quite classical, but just one the right side of normal enough that the little things that aren't right really stand out and make a statement. It's lovely.
ivyflightislistening chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
This was... wonderfully written. Truly. Sweet and sad and bitter and regretful and truly showing what it means to be an undead wanderer, and what it's like to be in love with one.

Amazing :)
Tokoloshe Monster chapter 1 . 9/5/2011
"The more she stares at them (and she does it too often), the more fake they look. She spends one night carefully peeling them off and re-stapling them on the blank sides. Twelve have writing. The other forty-seven are as empty as she feels."

My favourite part. Just... wow. I love the whole postcard thing, because it's just so IC for Simon to send those.

This is just so lovely and bittersweet and incredible. I really don't think Simon's character gets enough page-time or thought in the books, and I love the nomad thing. You kept Izzy and Simon perfectly in character, and your writing is just so lovely I want to give you a big glomp.

I wish I had more to say about this, but I don't. This is so beautiful.

Much love,

samtempl chapter 1 . 8/26/2011
...I don't even know what to say.

This is just one of the kind of fanfic that is so wonderfully written & in-character that I /have/ to review, but anything I say won't do it any kind of justice. It's like a class of its' own.

RipredtheGnawer chapter 1 . 6/7/2011

This is wonderful. You made that sweet and sad and totally awesome. Great pairing, as well.

Moar. Plz.
Marionette chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
this is the only tmi fic i've found that is remotely good...and it's better than that, really. what you've done here is special and great-you made me root for them, even when i knew from the outset that it was impossible. this was really, really good. :)
Masquerading with Shadows chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
This was lovely. /You/ are lovely. I don't even have any coherent words to describe this, I swear, except that it was perfect and so in character and so freaking powerful I can't even - I just love it, love it, love it, even though I sound like a raving lunatic.

Simon is so amazing in this, but you've also written Izzy's character down amazingly well, probably the best that I've ever read. Her reactions, her emotions, everything was written so well. And their relationship is amazing too, and so heartbreaking. I always thought that Simon would end up doing a roadtrip sort of thing, but it never occured to me that Izzy would come too, and of course she would get sick of it. God, just, the ending broke my heart, really.

Just one thing: technically, Simon wouldn't be allowed into her room because he's a vampire and he's damned and it's a church etc. etc. and I know it's petty but I just saw it. Ultimately, this was amazing and lovely and well done, seriously. Lovely.
PennyOfTheWild chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
I ... was directed here by a friend, and at the moment, all I can think is that I can't thank her enough for recommending it.

Everything about this is so very powerful - it's rather like a maelstrom of jumbled emotions put together in the most heart-rending, gorgeous way possible.

You've got this incredible STYLE - it's - well. Indescribable?

'He'd never ask her to, but she's insisting with swollen lips and those huge blue eyes and he can't even think about saying no, you can't.

(She's seventeen and three hundred & fifty days old when she runs away.)'

Those were incredible lines.

I ... am so sorry I didn't find you before. Thank you for sharing this.
compartmental chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
Holy... I can't think of a proper word to go here, actually. oO

When I opened this fic, this was /not/ what I was expecting.

It was just so beautiful and /Izzy/ and /Simon/ and Simon&Isabelle and howdidyoudothat?

Please, write more for this fandom.

Thanks, much.

frustrated fireworks chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
Omg, i don't know what to say anymore. It was beautiful and flawless and sad and anything that can describe this fic. Just... Fantastic.

Thank you thank you thank you for your hard work. It was amazing.
thecivilunrest chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
This was absolutely beautiful. I love Simon/Isabelle and I feel like you captured them perfectly. I think when you captured Simon best, though, was what he wrote on the postcards. That just /screamed/ Simon to me.

The ending was kind of... well I don't really know, I can't even describe it. I knew that the word that Isabelle wanted him to say was 'God' even before you told us, but wow that was cruel. I'm not sure what I think about that, to be honest.

My favorite part had to be when Simon came back to New York and Isabelle almost met him in her PJs. I loved that. :)

Your imagery was beautiful and I love how you managed to get Clary into the story as well. Fabulous job.
turtleducklings chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
This was, in a single word, brilliant.

[She used him and he let her and it didn't blossom, it mutated, and, frankly, it terrified her. Because she's supposed to be fearless. And what kind of idiot is scared of loving someone?]

THAT. It's so completely in character for her, and I loved it.

I previously hated SimonIsabelle, because personally, I think a lot of people have trouble getting the characterizations right. But you just did, here. Honestly.

I really liked the theme with the postcards, and the ending line with 'Simon Says'. Beautiful creativity.

I loved this so much and I think I'm going to favorite it and oh, why aren't you on my Author Alert yet?

Fantastic job, really.


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