Reviews for Unsung
TranquilTevine chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
Fenris was my first too! I completely agree with you.I think I have a thing for elves because Zevran was my favourite on Origins.I can't pick between the two! I think they're both well developed and undeniably hot.I loved this! :) thank you :D
Marlene101 chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
I really enjoyed this story! I actually wrote one somewhat similar, but the nightmare was different, as was the source.
I love how you portrayed the characters... AND I LOVE FENRIS.
NoMadKa chapter 1 . 9/6/2012
oh, fenris is so caring here
Ylthina chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
Wonderful. One of the few fanfic's where the author manages to get Fenris' character right. Thank you for this one, it was a pleasure to read :)
SadameHime chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
I found myself enchanted with Fenris. I had intended on going with Anders first since I felt cheated out of a good romance during Awakening. If I had not been so set on taking the side of the mages the whole way through the game, I would have had Fenris as my first romance choice. On second playthrough, I found his back story to be far more enjoyable than Anders. I missed funny, sarcastic Anders, and even though he was still there in spirit, he had been lost behind Vengeance.

Fenris was new. Fenris was a character that I had not thought to see in Dragon Age at all. The scenario you placed him in with fem. Hawke is one that I can see. I enjoyed your characterization, and I wish I could have seen more emotional moments like this inside of the game itself.