Reviews for Cardiac Care
Guest chapter 41 . 7/12
why oh why did you stop writhing ty8s just as it was getting realy good whyyyyyyy
demitruli chapter 41 . 4/15
This has been the most brilliant thing I have read in my entire life. Perfect pace and pauses, perfect descriptions, perfectly true to the characters, perfectly accurate as a whole, you've put so much work in this and that translates through the chapters in the most beautiful way. I can't even begin to thank you for creating and sharing this masterpiece. Seriously I have no words, you have taken my breath away. I wish it could have been complete, but see, I can't even bring myself to ask for anything, after being given THIS. All this... Just wow. I am so grateful for this story. Thank you. Just THANK YOU. You are a gift.
SillyStubbornDork chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
That was so wonderful! I would be 100% fine with it ending there! I just wish I knew what was engraved in the ring! Great story
caitlynamanda chapter 41 . 9/2/2018
This is so good! Please come back!
annarose9 chapter 41 . 5/11/2018
NOOO. This story can’t end here!? Damn it I have to stop reading stories that are 5 years old unless they say they’re complete.
Guest chapter 41 . 2/2/2017
Noooooooooooooooooo no no no no. No that cannot be the end! I know I'm here writing this 5 years after you stopped writing but no you can't do this to me! I need the end. I need the steam. I need resolution! Idk if you can even see this anymore but if you can I'm begging you for an update
DiagonAli chapter 1 . 11/11/2016
Oh my word. This was one of my favorite reads from the MTT site, oh so many years ago. In fact, I happen to be ROJ, the RT who answered your questions about Teds extubation. I am so delighted to find this here and re-read it after all these years. Wishing you'd pick it back up, but thanks for the trip down memory lane.
NobleLandMermaid chapter 41 . 9/13/2016
So I know at this point it's probably not in the cards for this one to be finished, I just want to say a very sincere thank you for the 41 chapters you did write for us. The amazing characterization and attention to detail in this story truly puts it in a class of it's own! Know that even years later and even though it's not completed, this story is well-read and well-loved!

Though you did leave off with a heck of a cliffhanger at least Jim and Pam revealed their feelings to each other in this last chapter. I do want to know what's going on with Jim's mother but probably above all I want to know what was engraved in the ring!? Should you see this, even a hint would be appreciated ;)
Guest chapter 41 . 6/26/2016
Olivia chapter 41 . 2/16/2016
this story is so good ! i dont know why you stopped writing it, but honestly, I wpuld be so happy if you continued. this is so good - it may be one of my favorte jim/pam fics i've ever read, and i've read a lot.
citra chapter 41 . 2/6/2016
I've really enjoyed reading this story, thanks for writing and sharing it, I hope you finish it :)
Jonka chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
Hey. I'm reading this story now for the third or fourth time. Please tell me there is more! It is really great and so full of details. Please, pleas continue.
BecauseOfYouJam chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
Please! It's never too late to finish. I promise there are still readers out there. You put so much amazing work into this already, Imagine how good it would feel to mark complete. One more ch to finish it up? I'd pay to have this one finished, I'm not kidding, contact me.
mo0ndust chapter 41 . 8/19/2014
the-hunts chapter 7 . 12/20/2013
This is such a great story! Please continue!
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