Reviews for The annoying stoner
N3ko8 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
0_0 i can't believe i read this all... _
normally i love BL but never have i read something with my favorite character. its normally just unknown characters... TTTT Paul...
MysticalKC chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Loved It! :D
TheLandOfChillies chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
I just watched this film, and I really wanted to find some fic on Paul and Dwayne. And I found it! This was really good and well written. I liked the chemistry between them and it was so funny! Paul is such an annoyance, lol. Thanks for such a great fic! I want to read more of this stuff.
demetrifever123 chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
I haven't checked on the new stories in this fandom in SO long. So I skimmed (apparently I missed a lot) and came across this, and I just couldn't resist. And I have to say, for your first time writing slash, WOW it's good!

I've always seen the slash pairings between the boys MANY different ways. But I think David/Marko and Paul/Dwayne the best, lol. How Paul just annoys Dwayne to no end, but yet they're (excuse the term) "fucking" each other. After reading some of your other rather dark fics, I didn't know you could write humor! And that last line-I can totally picture Paul saying that. But then again, everything he said in this story I can imagine him saying. Your Paul is so very good-I'm jealous. :D

And that little "suggestion" put in about suspecting Paul and Marko to be the ones *nudge, nudge* (I wish there were more with that pairing;D They'd be so cute together.)

But yes! Very good first slash fic from you! (Mine was rather suckish in the *cringe* Twilight fandom...) And a GREAT humor one, at that. XD


I should've done that a while ago. XDDD
anna chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
This cheered me up on a gloomy day no end :-)

Not a huge fan of slash but I dunno, there's just something about this pairing that works, isn't there? Outta all the vamps I can see these two together the most even though in a lot of ways they're opposites. Their personalities just seem to fit; Dwayne, quiet and broody and Paul, loud and brash and you've captured them both to a tee. I have to say though it seemed a little rushed with the odd dropped word here and there and spelling mistake - 'imbecile' being the main one.

Aside from that well done, and seriously, I think this pairing deserves more exploration and if you ever consider expanding on this little snapshot, well, I think it would just about make my year, heh! Loved it!

E. M. Morning chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
So apparently you lied to me. You told me you could not write humor, but here you are doing it! And very well, might I add.

I have told you many times before but I will say it again: I love your Paul! This is just perfect him. He is such an annoying jerk. Hehe. I love it, though, especially when he is messing with Dwayne’s hair! It made me giggle. Pretty much this whole story did!

The ending! Wow, just wow, Paul. It doesn’t surprise me he said that, but still. Hehe. He is so strange.

You should really write more like this. It’s well written and great comedy.
Ghostwriter chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
Oh, man. Only Paul, man. I could totally see this. And David would have SO much fun tormenting Dwayne with this. Only one thing: it's "i-m-b-e-c-i-l-e". Catch ya on the flip side.
A Road Unturning chapter 1 . 3/16/2011

This was very entertaining. Great character voices and interplay, and Paul was side splittingly inapporiate and sharp in this. I love your Dwayne...angry, horny, a grouchy tiger...and he how he bounces off Paul, the enternal elevater of energy. This was fabtastic. I loved it so much!