Reviews for A Series of Unfortunate Misunderstandings
rekahneko chapter 2 . 7/6/2016
I do love this story - the scene in the first chapter where Duo sneaks pictures of Quatre and Trowa's fight is just perfect. Good times.
Koiame chapter 2 . 8/24/2015
Very cute!
InuMisha chapter 2 . 12/24/2012
LOL lion tamer voice!
cho-chan09 chapter 2 . 9/16/2011
Aw How cute! *huggles Duo* _
cho-chan09 chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
Duo as a wedding planner. How cute! But he's not the best man? Or maid of honour? Well, hmph. Anyway, wonder how his not-exactly-the-truth statement will be held up. _
BladeMaxwell-GoddessofDeath chapter 2 . 6/26/2011
I loved it!

Great write

Very sweet ending!

I love the way Trowa gets masterful with Quatre and how protective and possesive Heero is of Duo.

I also love that everything about the wedding became moot when they found out Duo needed help.

I love it!


starless-ocean chapter 2 . 6/14/2011
Really nice Despite being short there are many lovely details and the plot is great! I kept wondering until the end what might have happened between Heero and Duo and the roles of everyone was great and funny as well!
Bexiekun chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
"'I think maybe they're a bit young to care about that. I mean, they're only four! Couldn't you promise them treats instead if they're good? Charm bracelets or Barbie dolls or something?'

'What a clever idea!' He seized the nearest list and wrote Ponies x 2 at the bottom."

Only Quatre Raberba Winner could hear "Charm bracelets and Barbies" and translate that to "ponies". xD
Cinnamon Selkie chapter 2 . 3/24/2011
~You get used to it,' I said casually, winking at Heero and Wufei, who'd strategically taken cover behind a camellia in a terracotta pot.~

Roflmao. I guess all that combat training they must have done is continuing to serve them well in everyday life :D Wonderful image. I also like the implication that when Wufei and Zechs *do* tie the knot, it will be Zechs getting himself worked up about napkin colours and such - he would, too!

And I'm glad that everything was sorted out satisfactorily in the end. Cinnamon.
The Dancing Bard chapter 2 . 3/23/2011
The fluff! The fluffy fluff with the oh, no abuse angst and the fake out - it's not really that bad Duo - and the adorable intervention but it's all good for everyone. Yay! Happy happy joy joy in the morning gets me through work.
HeeroDuo4eva chapter 2 . 3/22/2011
aw great chapter! This was adorable!
Pyro-Neko-Isis chapter 2 . 3/22/2011
I liked it
snowdragonct chapter 2 . 3/22/2011
Oh, they are GOOD at sorting things out, considering the tangled mess they started with. I still cracked up about the doves; Trowa's right, it's horribly rough for doves like that. I have had many brought to me for care that were found lost and starving, because they have no real survival skills. If they don't make it back to their home, they don't assimilate well into the wild at all!

I loved Duo's "fridge magnets and mouse pads" pictures of Quatre and Trowa. Hilarious. It was truly stellar, how he rode through the argument while Heero and Wufei were taking cover. Funny as hell!

Of course, Trowa's "the day I met you" line was perfect. He's a man of few words, but he chooses them very, very well. A romantic under all that casual cover.

And a nice intervention, indeed! From ALL the G-boys. Maybe not the kind they thought it was, but an even better one, as it set Heero up to drag the truth out of Duo. More of a truth-intervention? Anyhow, lovely stuff.

I want you to write MY romance, hm? Maybe where the guy with the beach house and I get to ride off into the sunset? Yeah. That'd be nice, considering the ex-to-be is suddenly balking at the divorce, and the guy with the beach house probably won't wait forever for me to really be free. Sweet and annoying at the same time... But anyhow, I just LOVE your delicious endings. And there is SO an opening for a sequel of some kind. I'd love more. Maybe for special occasions? Wufei and Zechs' wedding...or Duo and Heero's...any occasion will do.

Lovely stuff, as always!
Kaeru Shisho chapter 2 . 3/22/2011
This was so funny, the rising hysteria over wedding details leading up to the Trowa-error, and Duo's "Oops...Uh oh..." reactions gaining momentum:

'That's fine. The only thing is...,'

'What doves?' Trowa interrupted...'

'...I can't believe you didn't think of asking me about this.'

'...Trowa, we talked about this...'

'...Quat, you can't seriously expect me to pay attention to every single piece of crap you tell me about the wedding.'

Uh oh, indeed.

A perfectly drool-worthy scene but punched up by having Duo taking pictures and framing the important ones for us:

Trowa tossed his hair back and gave Quat the benefit of both eyes again. He also did like to go heavy on the artillery. Quatre was practically swooning. I took another picture or two and lip-synched in time with Trowa.

'The most important day of my life was the day I met you. You know that.'

Quat did his usual melty thing after that, collapsing into Trowa's arms and getting the stuffing kissed out of him.

And then came this darling-funny one:

'I am not the bride, Duo Maxwell! Why do people keep calling me that?'

'Possibly, and this is a totally wild guess, it's because you're wearing pale pink rosebuds and ribbons in your hair. Very fetching.'

Killer descriptions and interactions, here Heero making the most of his screen time:

'Quatre,' Heero cut in, destroying the mushy moment. Killjoy. 'Wasn't there something you wanted to talk to Duo about?'

...Lots of uncomfortable silence and 'you go first' eye contact between the others later, Heero finally spoke up.

I had to laugh at this:

I'd got so used to seeing him accessorising with a tall blond prince that he looked oddly incomplete by himself. Then it sunk in what he'd actually said.

Favorite description: "...OK, I just couldn't take this any more. Quat would be crying in a minute, Wufei looked ready to kill someone with the first weapon that came to hand, Trowa was doing his best to blend into the tapestry cover on his armchair – he's always been great at disguises – and Heero still had an arm around me and that felt far too good and it was very wrong how much I was enjoying that."

Loved the ending giving this short story completely wonderful romantic closure.

StandingOnTheRooftops chapter 2 . 3/22/2011
Ai! Totally adorable! It's absolutely cute! I love it sooooooo much. ESPECIALLY Trowa-in-Charge, lol! Great fic! A credit to your name and perfectly fit to stand beside all the other great fics you've written!
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