Reviews for Dungeons and Dragons: The Enemy of My Enemy
CheyPaigeFanFic chapter 5 . 5/14
Wow. Wow. WOW. This fic was amazing? Like so amazing? How did you get everyone so in character? When everyone spoke, I could hear their voices especially Eric and Venger. The plot was cool and original and Lucas? A terrifying villain. He gave me chills up my spine. Great job!
andrea chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
i enjoyed this story, i like seeing the "good" side of Venger
moodymel chapter 5 . 4/26/2014
Great story! I really loved the ending! Great job and I hope to see more of your work!
venG chapter 5 . 4/26/2014
Loved your story! Thank you! Will there be a continuation?
venG chapter 4 . 4/24/2014
Thank you for the wonderful chapter! I am very happy that you did not abandon this story. I look forward to the continuation ;)
Outasync chapter 4 . 4/23/2014
Great to see that you haven't abandoned this story. You've managed to keep everyone in character, but still get ol' Hornhead working with the Six in a believable way.

Byrnes is scary, and his fake moment of kindness is horribly realistic.
jolly roger brat chapter 4 . 4/23/2014
Thank you so much for updating this story!
j3px chapter 3 . 4/1/2014
Wow. Where do I begin? As a child who watched the show every morning in the early to mid 1980s, my mind's eye expect faithfulness to each character down to thehe most Ridiculous detail. I don't feel it's being persnickety. I just...bleed this show.

I have criticisms and I have praise. If I didn't like this story more than I disliked it- if I cared less about the material- this review would have ended 85 words ago.
Despite some inconsistencies in the portrayal off the main characters at times (which I feel only those die-hard fans of the show pick up) , I feel you managed to capture the great of reach character. It was somewhat neat to include the lyrics to a song of that era. As a writer, especially of this series, I try limit pop culture references to song lyrics to two verses as it tends to slow the action.- in this case, the exposition of Venger's relationship with his own fathe on contrast to th Dm's with the Young Ones.
Sheila was a great character reveal here. There were things I liked- the way she showed caring, she's always been the most fragile one, but ironically she binds others when they're fragile (Venger, Bobby). What I didn't buy, though, was the red hair freckles bit; there have been just as many red-haired freckled Russian Orthodox women I've known as Irish Catholic. If there was anything else about her I rented about, your portrayal of Sheila overcame that.

All in all, you nailed his portrayal about 80%. From the start, when he was flung from his Nightmare, my attention was to his interaction with and reaction to the children. And while I enjoyed His interaction with them at times- like when the children were on His steed, bonding with them over foods (by the way, Eric's got dog bit was comic gold!), or talking alone with Sheila- I felt like a rise and wane correlation with Venger. He'd say something that-didn't quite sound right- (as though he were trying to talk the kids level...which he would never do. ) - and then he would chime back and make me say, "yeah, that's him!"
Venger has his own speech style and tone, and he never deviates from it. One of my all time favorite authors put it best when she said:
"It's like he constantly varies the tempo and pitch, and it really adds effect. He's never in a monotone... he speaks as though every sentence is "the important one,"...
"He speaks each sentence like it could be the ending of a great speech."
I didn't like what was done with Hank at all about him suggesting the kids help Venger so he could "owe them a favor".. Eric might say that, but for Hank to say it is thoroughly out if character for him. Hank also wouldn't dwell as heavily on something like the Dragon's Graveyard standoff because to do so would steer them contrary to their purpose in the Realm-to get home. After all, when DM told them that their sparing Venger was a vital step to getting home, Hank surely must have learned that rising above petty things like revenge for the sake of unity and morale was a necessity to bring that dream of returning home to fruition. Also, there were instances where he spoke in too stilted a manner. All in all, to me Hank was about 50% accurate.
It's getting late so I'll wrap this up. Diana was good; I feel you succeeded in capturing her inquisitive, bold yet careful nature... 75%. And Presto was solid, too...though we could have seen more of him.

I enjoyed the conversation between Eric and Sheila must of all. You absolutely nailed Eric 's personality and temperament, 90%-93%. Kudos!
Aside from a case of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", this is Overall fun stuff. I'd give this a Solid 3 stars out of four.

P S. This was the first installment of its kind, and I was disappointed too see it ends after only three chapters. I hope this continues elsewhere.

hj marsh chapter 3 . 8/28/2012
love the humor love the relaionship that is slowly developing between the enemy any young ones love the mild fun friction between all. that is a fun story. looking forward to many more enjoyable chapters. your fan hj marsh
Model Builder chapter 3 . 9/25/2011
I had intended to read this story later on in the week. But I started reading and was pulled right in.

This "Lucas" intrigues me. Did you have anyone real in mind when you came up with him, or is Lucas a completely original character?

And I like the way you had Sheila explain her faith-based motivations to Venger without getting "preachy." Very well done.

I can't wait to read more of this story.
moodymel chapter 3 . 9/17/2011
This is a great story. The plot is excellent and well developed. I look forward to see what happens next.
Amanda Saitou chapter 3 . 5/20/2011
Hi! That's a nice D&D fic. I like the "Venger join forces with the boys" plotline a lot. I think that albeit Venger has gone "smoother" too fast, the interaction between him and the kids is quite good. Also, even doesn't liking Sheila that much, you're making me like the story a great deal, so, keep up the good work!
D.B. Cooper chapter 3 . 3/25/2011
First off, the whole 'gang' helping Venger (their mortal enemy) thing was totally cool. Sheila with the rosary and 'forgiving others'. I mean, right on! Even Venger was moved by it.

I really enjoyed Sheila singing Irene Cara's Flashdance. It moved me, deeply. I'm going to go buy it on CD.
D.B. Cooper chapter 2 . 3/25/2011
Dude, this is a really good story. I am a Christian (or gosh, I try to be), so I really enjoyed the part about Sheila forgiving Venger and the rosary. It taps into the whole Venger/Sheila thing for me. I've written about it quite a bit, but that part really brought it home for me. I'm on to the next chapter and I can't wait to read it!
D.B. Cooper chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
Wow, this is a really good story so far. You have put Venger in a really bad situation, and where does he get help from? His enemies! Also, I really liked the part with Eric and Sheila talking about life.
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