Reviews for Anytime you need a friend
daniellepaduch26 chapter 1 . 12/13/2019
thank you for updating love this want more
DalamarF16 chapter 43 . 6/8/2016
Ok, I've just finished this story and I can't wait for more! I'm definitely in love with Amelia and Spike's protectivess! I hope you'll update soon!
DalamarF16 chapter 12 . 6/6/2016
Oh God, thank you for not having finished this chapter with a cliffhanger!
I'm binge-reading this story since last night (it's 3 pm here right now) and I have to go to work so I couldn't have read chapter 13 and waiting would have killed me!
I actually cried when Spike prayed God to help him to keep his daughter... it was so sweet and painfull at the same time... Spike looked so desperate!
Anyway... I don't know if it is because he is Italian like me or what, but I love Spike in the tv show (which I discovered like... a week ago on tv and I'm binge-watching since then) and I'm so glad you decided to write this story like 5 years ago about him!
I also love Callie, she's a lovely girl and I'm so glad the judge decided to leave her with Spike! They make a great team and family together!
Anyway... I was reading this and I couldn't help but think about an italian song all the while. I'm posting the youtube video link, if you want to listen to it. It's called "A modo tuo" which means "in your on way" and talks about a father that sees his daughter growing up e realizes he can't do anything to keep her from making mistakes and her own decisions. It's a bitter-sweet song... If you are more interested I can provide you the entire translation of the song...
Biichi-gi chapter 1 . 5/9/2016
Tech stuff, because I'm nit-picy; but a good clip walking is a mile in fifteen minutes or four mph. If he's jogging, he ought to be doing better than 45 minutes at, well, an unspecified mileage. Just wondering. My fave is Ed, too, and he's no swift negotiator, either, though he doesn't refuse to give the gunmen coke and call them a$$holes. That would be Sam:)
I rather like the "crap, I'm a failure at this" approach, though I doubt Greg would approve and don't imagine that approach is in the manual. Still, if it's all good. Yes, please continue.
Guest chapter 43 . 5/9/2016
YAYYYY! I'm so happy you posted an update! This made my whole week!
simplemusings12 chapter 42 . 3/28/2016
I know it's been two years, but is it too late to wish for an update?
Guest chapter 42 . 7/3/2015
I miss this story. :(
fanfictionfan63 chapter 42 . 3/1/2015
Hope you are doing well and it's just RL keeping you from updating. Hope you'll find the time and spirit to come back and finish your story. I've followed and enjoyed it a lot thus far.
cjohnston chapter 42 . 1/26/2015
Love this story! Is there any chance you will be adding to it?
Guest chapter 42 . 11/3/2014
I miss this story.
Guest chapter 42 . 7/25/2014
When are you going to update soon?
Hope06 chapter 42 . 3/8/2014
Awww poor Spike but what an amazing school that is rallying behind one of their community and the team of course rallying too
Ealasaid Una chapter 42 . 2/10/2014
Poor spike
Buckeye am I chapter 42 . 2/9/2014
So, you will have to tell us why the silly Chloe woman really wanted Amelia taken from the home.

Good chapter.
Guest chapter 41 . 10/21/2013
Are you adding more chapters
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