Reviews for Unhappy Endings
Dr.Bob chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
Well, the happy ending isn't that bad for the main characters compared to Richter or Ratatosk (or Brute who will spend the rest of his life in jail). But if you think that Richter and Ratatosk had a bad ending go and ask to Decus and Alice about what's having a bad ending.

Anyway, about the chapter itself,is good and, but too short.
Mystic Yoshie chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
That was surprisingly charming. You have a very full writing style and you charmed both my cat and I :)

I hope to see a little more of your writing.

mokamon chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
I didn't like this game. Scratch that - I DON'T like this game. I haven't actually beaten it myself, but I know the story. Everything about it - from Lloyd being 'the villan' half way through it to the horrible world map they gave us - just grates me the wrong way and I really just want to forget all about it.

Until I read this~

You got actual emotion into Emil other than the annoyingness he displayed in the game. I agree, the 'True ending' or 'Happy ending' isn't all that happy at all. And you got that across perfectly~ Thanks!
AntiSora chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
First, I agree-the happy ending isn't as happy as it seems. Poor Ratatosk, poor Richter... D:

Now, about this story...

Very well-written! The emotion really comes through, it's a great read! I really like this, it's so... Not sure what the words are that I want, but it's really good.