Reviews for A Displaced Red Robin
Guest chapter 17 . 7/5
There's something hilariously heartbreaking about Tim getting told he deserves better and his knee-jerk reaction is "lol". This chapter punched me in the heart, thank you so much for writing it.
thewriterstory chapter 9 . 5/18
Seems like you got the team dynamics right! Love it
TheExiledOfCamelot chapter 1 . 4/15
"The End (For Nowinsert cinematic music and theatrics-

2 years later...

Random guy, sitting on the front deck in a rocking chair, staring at their phone during a government placed quarantine. "Yeah now would be great time to make an end".

Just thought that summaries my thoughts on the situation.
FallenAngel2415 chapter 17 . 4/3
Im loving this. Please update!
Guest chapter 17 . 3/19
Crying because this really well written and its the third time ive reread it
rgjflood chapter 17 . 3/11
Tim makes me cry n any fanfic about himself
Daughter-of-poseidon-a-siren chapter 17 . 3/5
This is an awesome story. I love dimension hopping fics and I love Red Robin even more. Haven't been into young justice for that long but I can just imagine how horrified the team will be at Tim's low self esteem and borderline suicidal tendencies. Also I kind of want them to find out exactly how much Tim has endured, especially Roy and Conner. Oh and the team finding out about Roy's possible drug addiction.
Dirkapitaion chapter 17 . 1/31
I did NOT expect to get SO fuckin invested? So quickly? Oh my GOSH okay Just the CHARACTERIZATION and the way you write time is so fuckin GOOD and a story like this deserves a goood ending bc the build is just. Idk what you plan to do and thank you so much for writing i just hope! You continue! I will comment on EVERY new chapter and be your personal cheerleader. I will Dick Grayson you. For realsies
goldenmaiden chapter 17 . 1/25
GOD THIS IS SO FUCKIN GOOD. I really love Dick and Tim's relationship, it's delightful. I also love Tim and Superboy's interactions, along with that of the rest of the team. Like, they all just trust and appreciate him so much, and it's so damn cathartic.
I don't want to be one of those nasty fucks who pesters writers with nags for updates like they're just fic machines but I do want you to know that if you updated I'd really enjoy reading it. At the same time though, if the story is discontinued or something, I definitely want you to prioritize yourself over it. I absolutely value your well-being over the story, and no one can or should decide that your story needs to be continued but you. Just know that I really loved reading it and I'm really grateful that you shared it! Have a nice day! ️️️
Guest chapter 17 . 1/16
Plz update!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/11
More! You can't leave us hanging like this!
sku11dugg3ry chapter 10 . 12/23/2019
This story is very good. A unique story where the character doesn’t get involved with the teams missions. Explores the differences between comic and show versions of the characters and looks into how not only how the characters interact but also help each other grow in both in skill and character. Plus the way you right doesn’t hurt my brain like some stories you find.
Jaydin chapter 17 . 11/18/2019
Please please please update this! I want to see Bruce take more of an active interest in Tim and become a father to him. Also, it would be cool if Tim accedentally ran into his younger self out on patrol. Like little Tim is out taking pictures of them and is amazed by Red Robin! But please, some Tim and Bruce fluff!
IWasNeverReal chapter 17 . 10/6/2019
I adore this story. Every time I reread it my heart breaks a little more for Tim. Definitely one of my favourite fanfics, thank you for sharing your work with us! It is fantastic!
noctisluxys chapter 17 . 7/31/2019
It would be good for Tim to talk with Canary about his several issues
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