Reviews for Palinopsia
Axya chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
If it wasn't for me reading a Yami no Matsuei fanfic whose authoress had this on her favourites, I'd have missed this very good fanfic entirelly. Good thing I could read it and be once again awed by the relationship between these boys I love so much. Great insight of their early missions and feelings towards each other and regarding the past they left behind (even if it's only Ban's POV). You could write one from Ginji's POV... but maybe you already did and I just need to go read the rest of your stories. Great fic!
mockingbird13 chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
I loved it. Nice peek into the past. I often find myself wondering about some of their earlier assignments. I like the insight you give into Ban's thoughts. And I agree with his statement. The most dangerous thing about Ginji is not his lightning. *sappy face* It's because everybody wuuuvs(loves) him! *crazy grin* :)