Reviews for In Plain Sight
eskimosgg chapter 29 . 9/10
I truly liked it. It was better and deeper than the TV series, I liked the interaction between all the characters and how you showed that Chuck had also his good and caring side.
eskimosgg chapter 27 . 9/9
Loved reading it.
eskimosgg chapter 26 . 9/9
It is such a romantic and heartwarming story. I do not know for how long Dan and Blair will keep the secret. I love your version, it is way better than the TV series.
eskimosgg chapter 25 . 9/9
I loved it. I like your description of Blair. she might appear strong and independent in the surface, but deep she is still the young girl who needs her parents and a stable family, like everyone does, rich or poor. You show a true and full Blair, not the shallow and mean one that is portrayed in the GG series.
eskimosgg chapter 23 . 9/8
I enjoyed reading this chapter. I love the descriptions of the character inner world, their fear and hopes.
eskimosgg chapter 19 . 9/6
I loved reading it, it is way more entertaining and deeper than the actual show.
eskimosgg chapter 17 . 9/2
I like the explanation of the feelings of Rufus, Lily and Alison and their interactions with each other and the kids.
eskimosgg chapter 16 . 9/2
Your chapter was way more deeper and beautiful than the original GG series. Loved it
eskimosgg chapter 12 . 9/1
I like this way better than the original series, when they portray Blair as this heartless villain. Thank you
summer chapter 43 . 8/28
This was absolutely beautiful. Your writing just drew me in. You have a way with your words and I am in love with your version of Dair. Please write a sequel of them in college or write new Dair story material. I look forward to reading more Dair from you.
jean chapter 43 . 8/28
angela340278 chapter 32 . 1/12
I love the amount of depth you add to the characters and not just the main ones.
tiaannlenae chapter 32 . 9/16/2019
This story makes me feel bad for Serena. Dan, Blair and all her friends decided she was a terrible person beyond redemption and have been fucking with her for the entire length of the story while they ignore the shit she's going through because she "doesn't deserve the help". She's not the best but she's actively trying, and them constantly telling her she sucks and all her friends and family ditching her for no reason is fucked up. Especially Dan and Blair because all they did was fuck with her heart and make her think Dan was the best when he never cared about her at all.
PiotrMc chapter 30 . 7/3/2019
I love the nice Chuck moments
PiotrMc chapter 20 . 7/3/2019
Hey it's Bucky :)
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