Reviews for Anorexia
Guest chapter 6 . 11/13/2016
Wow that was the end... (cries hard) I need a happy ending...
EvPens814 chapter 6 . 6/30/2016
I absolutely love this story. It is amazing to be able to connect with a character and feel their pain in so few words.
dragonlady222 chapter 6 . 1/13/2015
Poor Yuugi. I hope that Ryou can keep him alive until he can find Atem.
dragonlady222 chapter 5 . 1/13/2015
Yuugi is at the breaking point, I hope Ryou can help him and get him to the hospital before it is too late.
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 6 . 11/4/2014
Oh no! Yugi's traded anorexia for cutting himself! Shit!nits not worth it Yugi! it never is! even the temptation sc ares the living out of me! shit!
Poor Yugi: he blames himself for Atem leaving, and he's anorexic because he's alone and it it doesn't want to be. i knwo his pain, when my grandfather died, it was one of the worst expreriences of my life and its horrible what you do when depression sinks in.
Now i know why habits is gonna kick off: Atem ran away and now Yugi is attempting I REALLY hope Habits is updated soon so i can make sure they're both still alive!
Man this series is so deep and it really touches what on what depression and pain does to you.
Yami no Tsuki chapter 6 . 11/4/2014
Ughh, don't make me cry. It's just so sad and messed up like why

And this isn't a 'write! Now!' type question but when you say you've got the sequel coming is that like SOON, or you're planning to start writing soon, or? Few days, few weeks, unknown? (No really, I'd just appreciate an idea)

Anyway, masterpiece companion fics right here *heartfelt applause*

For some reason I like Yuugi's side a lot more. Like, to read. As a story. That. I don't know why.
A Fan chapter 5 . 11/2/2014
I've been waiting for this story to update for ages. Glad to have you back.
Natoya chapter 4 . 11/1/2014
I am so happy to see an update from you in my inbox. Never stopped hoping I'd see you around here again someday. Your writing is still as lovely as ever. Thanks for the update.
PrincipalCellist chapter 1 . 10/31/2014
I don't know why I never reviewed this when I red it, but here we go.

(this first paragraph is going to be in my review for your story Bulimia, too.)
I have a very hard time reading this story. Just the summary makes my stomach feel like it's dropped to the floor. I've suffered from an ED for most of my teenage life - and now I'm almost 21 and still battling with the consuming guilt that threatens to overtake me when ever I eat. But I read it anyway, because I know what it's like. I can feel the emotions down to my bones. It's both unsettling and amazing to be able to connect with a story so deeply. I so do admire the way you write. Every time, it's just so raw and real. I always feel like I'm in the story.

Now the criticism - because you must take the good with the bad. I'm not a big fan of how fast the romance feels to me. But I am assuming Yugi's liked Atem for a long time (before the period this story starts), so I'm overlooking it.

And that's it. I can't wait to read more of this story :)
OodleNoodle094 chapter 5 . 10/31/2014
I'm so glad that you've decided to continue your stories, because you have a remarkable style and I'm in love with your characterization. (Especially your yuugi, it's so rare to find someone has given him a genuine voice)
I love this series. It's heartbreaking and sweet. I would like to see you finish! Please don't get too discouraged by the lack of reviews. It's definitely not because you are undeserving!
Anyway! Hope you have a great Halloween! Until next time.
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
I completely understand the feeling Yuri I was the same when I started my knightshipping story, its not so much that the people are gone, yhough msot of our old group are on and off due to lives being too busy, myself included, its more so that your old fans haven't yet realized your back but they will ;) I'm certainly excited!
Anyway, dmn that chapter was worse than Yami! (in a good way) Yami's sister knows something's wrong and Ryou knows something is wrong with Yugi, and he's doing all within his powet to help him: Yugi fainting i think is a wake up call, least i hope.
I also liked the twist: Yami thinks it was Yugi who said don't Yugi thinkis it was him, but that single moment sent them into a downward spiral. Oh man! the intensity!
alos tip for review, you might wanna try once an week updates. It gives everyone time to see the new chapters and enjoy the story and review one at a time instead of all at once.
Davinia chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
Seems like the weightloss is catching up to him, poor guy. Cant help but hope that Yami might visit him in the hospital but I would assume that his absense will simply be noted at school and likely nothing else. It might not even be a long enough hospital stay to warrent that kind of visit or the absense to be noted unless the anorexia has reached a serious stage.

I dont know what else to say. Eating disorders are a tricky topic and you are very brave for trying to tackle them.
Classy Abigail chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
Remember me? Hi if you do! Hi if you don't! I'm so glad you're back! I'm part of the old crew. Life takes us away, but it's important that we come back now and again. I was excited to see your post in my inbox - i'll have to go back and reread to catch myself up.
This story has a lot of potential to do well at tackling such a sensitive issue! I would hesitate to keep the formatting you have right now, as italics and the centered alignment aren't as easy for the mind to process as right-justified plain text is. If you're going for a flashback, okay - as I said, I'm not sure where we are in the plot at this point!
Once again, excited to see you make a comeback! I hope you've been well!

Abigail (Moro, VenusOfHecate were my past pennames if you remember them)
Determined-Day-Dreamer chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
Oh no! Poor Yuugi! ;-;

I've said it before, but ill say it again: I love this story and it's sister story. Its amazing how much someone can connect with something so sweet and simple. It Only takes a few sentences with you to make some sort of deep, emotional connection with the reader. Like when Yuugi says "he didn't even notice that he was crying", I was about to burst into tears all of a sudden! It just... the loneliness, and the isolation in that one, short sentence... you can really feel it.

Gosh, I missed reading your stories! XD If I may ask, why did you disappear like that? Not to sound rude, or anything... and, I mean, if you don't wanna say, that's fine too. XD
yugi.yami.atemu chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
I love both of your stories , and I think that you should keep doing them. I also like how you do one and then the other it makes better.
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