Reviews for Lights
bloodredcherry chapter 2 . 1/21
I have been cackling as I've read these last two chapters - I love it!

"So they sat there. For countless measures of time, they just... sat." He is just so deliciously petty, I can't wait to see where this goes!
L.A Dreaming chapter 6 . 12/18/2019
In. Love. With. This. Story.
Marmite-1 chapter 20 . 6/26/2018
I love this story! It's so well written :)
Momotte chapter 20 . 4/29/2018
Thank you for this really great story ! I read it in one day because I couldn't stop
vikkistorm chapter 20 . 5/2/2013
Let me just say this... MOVE OVER C.S. Lewis. I just found my favorite author.

I think I speak for us all when I say TO PUBLISH THIS LOVELY GOLDEN NUGGET!

I will buy all-a-da copies. o_o

The way this story is written makes it like you are standing there watching everything happen right before your eyes. I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THIS PERFECTION.

Screw the haters.

BandOfFanfic chapter 20 . 1/8/2013
asdfghjkl i loved this story! well done, very well written and you've nailed joe's character perfectly
Shamrockanna chapter 20 . 8/21/2012
Hello :) I was just wandering around through the website, when I.. stumbled across your fanfiction and I fell in love with it... It really struck me even if it is not written in my mother-tongue (I'm Italian and I'm challenging myself by reading stories in English!), moreover, there aren't many BoB ff written in Italian and it's a pity since it's one of my fav series! However, I admit that I've registered upon this website with the plain intention to come here and review this beautiful story :) I've seen some other reviews, and I definitely agree with all the compliments people have done to you for your outstanding work! I especially loved Liebgott's process of gradually releasing his emotions, you perfectly portrayed and defined the "idea of Joe" I had in my mind, you made him very very very realistic with his faults and merits. I am glad you shared your story on the web since I've had the opportunity to read it :) I will definitely become one of your supporters and I'll be happy to read your other fanfictions. Please, keep on writing since you are very talented! I hope this review will please you anyway, and I'm sorry for my English since it's not too much clear haha... I wish you the best! Anna :)
Guest chapter 20 . 7/5/2012
Ermagerd! This is your sister Kate. I would like to say a few things.
1. Your words flow seamless and endless like the flow of a river, smooth and natural.
2. The characters, if they were any more real, would be stepping off the computer screen and into my room.
3. Concerning the people who attempt to slash your writing (because they wish they were as wonderful as you), as Joe would so eloquently say, "Fuck those bastards."
EllieMayy chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
Just started reading this, and I've got to tell ya- your leibgott, is so spot on and incredible! :) Can't wait to get deeper into the story!
ames chapter 20 . 6/9/2012
Best Liebgott story I've ever read. Such amazing writing. LOVE IT.
CP2girls chapter 20 . 12/6/2011 always...
Grade.A.Gen chapter 20 . 11/6/2011
That was great! This is a bit hard,cuz I''m not using a computer,know how hard it is to type w/out 1? So what are u gonna work on next? And keep writing fanfiction! I HAVE been looking for a good Harry seriously,idc wat the story is,just write another one!~
HeadbangGirl chapter 20 . 11/1/2011
Woooooooow I'm so happy! :D

You just took my breath away with some of those sentences, I swear!

Even though the ending was - might I say and of course - predictable (duuh) those beautiful words made it magical :D :D

To give you an idea of my enthusiasm ;) :p


“How was she to know that her kiss had sent him to the clouds and crashed him down to earth if he did not tell her?”

“There stood George Luz, waiting with the largest and brightest smile anyone had ever seen him wear.”

I can SO imagine his lovely grin! Oh! :D Jippie we had some George :D

Oh and btw, Joe in uniform would have been equally hot, but tux, oh gosh - what does one choose?

“Yet Joe felt mildly hypocritical. Here he was, helping Dani and holding her up in encouragement when he couldn't even get the fuck over his own pride and go to Lucy to at least see her one last time. To tell her. To give himself a chance.

Suddenly, he wondered why he was standing there, refusing. He was keeping himself from his own happiness - holding himself captive pointlessly. If he was rejected, he was rejected. But at least at the end of his life, he could look back and say that he hadn't done nothing.

He had to leave.”


"Her smile spoke all the words that she could have ever said; there was no vocalization necessary, nor was it possible. Lucy seemed to have suddenly lost her voice - so she told him the only way she could immediately think of. She slid her hand into Joe's silky locks and, with the knowledge that this man was the only man that she wanted to spend eternity with, she kissed him, drawing his body into hers and his arms around her."


No. Hang on. Let's summarize. I love you! :D You made this so beautiful! :D Oooh and I love Joe and George and Joe - more because of you! (as if i didn't love them already haha, you know me by now ;)) lol.

My final/next hope is Bill now. Let him be the next shining light in the darkness! :D

Hear from you soon!
dudeurfugly chapter 20 . 10/29/2011
Awwww! :)

This was such a sweet, adorable, romantic, yet simple ending to such an amazing story. For a few moments there, I almost thought Lucy was indeed marrying Sidney - good job building the suspense to the very end! I can hardly believe it's over; it seems like it was just a short time ago that Lucy and Joe were on each other's nerves and now they're married and starting a life together! I was SO happy to see that they ended up together, that Joe went after Lucy in the end. And their meeting was so gorgeous and heartfelt - simply beautiful!

I may have flailed a bit upon reading 'Joe and Lucy Liebgott' because just the fact that Lucy FINALLY shares Joe's last name and is solely his for the rest of their lives is just adorable and everything I could have wanted from this fic.

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful (I feel like I keep using this word but it's the perfect description!) story with us. It was such a fantastic ride, and I have to admit I am sad to let Lucy and Joe go. I do hope that this isn't the last we'll see of them and that they'll make another appearance in your future writing! I've gotten to know Lucy over these past 20 chapters and I love the person she's become because of Joe, and how even Joe has changed because of her. I LOVE their dynamic.

My hope is that maybe you'll write something short and sweet about their married life and all the little Liebgotts they'll be making, haha! :D

Again, thank you for this story and your amazing way with words. I can't wait to read whatever fic you have planned aside from this one.

Best of luck!
cHoCoLaTe-RuM chapter 20 . 10/29/2011
That was such a sweet, simple ending! I loved it. Great job :)

all the best
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