Reviews for What Does it Mean to Trust
Mkaylanymphy55 chapter 16 . 10/11
heyyyy so I'm loving the story so far, but the running requirement is very outlandish. no one has run a 3 minute mile yet and also current army ranger requirements for running are 5 miles in 40 minutes or less, not 15 minutes.
Guest chapter 16 . 5/22/2019
You’re a great story teller but I would recommend getting a beta. Your grammar needs a lot of work and there are a lot of things in your story that aren’t realistic. There’s no way Stephanie could go from being sedentary to passing the Rangeman physical exam in two weeks. And running 3 miles in 5 minutes is physically impossible considering the world record for a woman running one mile is over 4 minutes
Guest chapter 16 . 5/22/2019
You’re a good story teller but I would recommend getting a beta. Your grammar needs a lot of work and there are a lot of things in your story that aren’t realistic. No way Stephanie could go from being sedentary to a Rangeman ready in two week. And running 5 miles in fifteen minutes is physically impossible. The world record for a woman running one mile is over
Guest chapter 14 . 5/22/2019
Stephanie’s female so it would be Angelita with an A, not O.
Blistful2006 chapter 68 . 2/4/2019
holy crap what a place to end it. I was so happy Morelli and Helen got theirs in the end. I didnt feel bad at all for her father as he wasnt really one anyway. great story
Bonnie chapter 29 . 1/13/2019
Wow. They are lucky no one else caught the bullet that got Cal!

Lol. Tank let Morelli go alright.

How can she question herself and think she is a burden?!

Oh. I just thought of something.
I'm surprised Doug didn't tell the cops the Rangemen were lying in parts.
Nah! He knew he'd be dead and gone in a minute.
Guest chapter 28 . 1/13/2019
Ugh! So many f words! Through the whole story.

I'm glad things did not end ugly with Val.

Omg that was disgusting what Doug did and he said he did it to other women too.

She creamed Joyce.

Thank goodness the mm were close enough and strong enough to keep her from Joe!
I'm sure he will be going to a holding cell now!
Bonnie chapter 27 . 1/13/2019
Uh oh!
First Doug, now Val. Soon Morelli! They sure know how to spoil the fun.

It's going to get interesting mighty quick!
Bonnie chapter 26 . 1/13/2019
I loved Val's point of view. I hope she can get out from under Helen's thumb. Too bad she doesn't know about her cheating ways. If Joe ever approached her I hope she laughs in his face!

Girls night out should be very interesting!
Bonnie chapter 25 . 1/13/2019
Loved all the memories the guys had, except Doug, then the episode with Hal.
Then smut! Always good.
Then all the vehicles, and she beat Les!
Fun chapter.
Bonnie chapter 24 . 1/13/2019
They found the guy delivered the package and are pretty sure it came from Joe.

They cleaned up Stark street which would normally take years, if ever.
Bonnie chapter 23 . 1/12/2019
Sick! Sick! Sick!
Morelli has so lost his mind!

I'm surprised Mike doesn't just disappear while he is still alive.
Doug will deserve what he gets.
He is a chauvenist, cry baby like Joe!

Helen has been quiet too.
Bonnie chapter 22 . 1/12/2019
Soon they will figure out the newbies are spilling secrets, and to Joe!

Her training is going really well.

Joe is too quiet. Usually he is gloating.
Bonnie chapter 21 . 1/12/2019
Those two guys will be dead meat soon!
They are just too dumb to know it, although I bet Mike was again wishing he should have gone to Tank first after they spoke to Morelli.

They got lesson 1 the hard way the dummies!
Bonnie chapter 20 . 1/12/2019
Mike better rethink and go to the core team.
Maybe they could protect him from Joe by shipping him off.

Joe is disgusting!
A sick in the head evil creature!
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