Reviews for Midnight Hours
thebestpeopleinlifearefree chapter 1 . 12/1/2016
I really liked this, and molly us usually such an overlooked character, and I like that your pairings are usually rare pairs
Abigail Belle chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
I love Molly II/Teddy, so I really enjoyed reading this. There was a fabulous mix of friendship and romance in the whole thing - a sense that even though a romantic relationship between them might be short-lived and not work out, they'll still always be close, and I really liked that. Teddy seems almost to consider Molly a little sister, and she wants more than that, and it's just great to read... I really thoroughly enjoyed this.
Scarlet Natalia chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
This was too too sweet:) I know I'm repetitive- but they're always so sweet! Ah! I loved their obvious friendship- more than just lust, it made me smile:)
mariposablossom chapter 1 . 10/15/2011
This was such a refreshing read. Your prose is kind of hypnotizing, in a good way. Plus, I adore that you used a different sort of pairing. Honestly, I'm getting more than just a little bit tired of Teddy/Victoire.
Lonely Day in August chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
I love Teddy and Molly! This was very well-written and also very good! I loved it :)
lonely hands chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
I adore this pairing like you wouldn't even know. *sighs*

Anyway, can you say shooting stars? Yes, I always love anything to do with stars in fics, but you always know just how to word everything just right and make the characters so perfect.

Gah. Your Teddy. I... I am in love with him. He's such a great guy and your Molly is just as awesome. They work so well, I can't even think of not at least shipping them secondly to Tily.

And you mentioned stargazer!Dominique. I love that take on her, even if I think of it being more Lucy, in my head. Ha, I have my canon and then your Canon. I ship certain pairings in the 'Pearl,' canon ;)
Shattered Visibility chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
Hey Pearly! It's me! Anyway, love the fic. The present tense gives this feeling of movement that helps the story be light-hearted. It's good, I like it! Also, MollyTeddy is kindofmyfavoriteTeddyship...
skwirl chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
Awesome is all I have to say.
thecivilunrest chapter 1 . 5/3/2011
Wow, this was really lovely. It's been a while since I've read a bit of your writing and I've forgotten just how nice your prose is. :)

I love how Molly thinks of Teddy vs. herself. For some reason that part really 'spoke' to me and I just found it all around fantastic. And I loved the 'forever Victorie's' line too.

This was very cute and I love this song. :)
nNOPE NO PE NOE P EPN OPE chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
THIS PAIRING THOUGH. I used to be a die-hard TeddyLily shipper, but then I sort of caved and wrote a RoseTeddy, and I loved that, and I'm sort of in the process of planning a MollyTeddy, so yeah. (I sort of whore Teddy out.)

But this was so brilliant, because I always pictured Molly as so brash and loud and your Molly's brilliant, and unexpected, and oh, I just love this to bits.

/Another heartbeat of silence passes, and she tries to focus on how the stars are glittering in the heavens instead of how his arm feels brushing against her bare skin when they're lying side by side, his every movement rustling her in a way that shouldn't be so – so – so perfect./

That part was utter perfection.

You should definitely write more of this pairing (:
gote chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
Beautifully described, this is really lovely. :)
gote chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
Beautifully described, this is really lovely. :)
gote chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
Beautifully described, this is really lovely. :)
nmchocolate chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
great story btw :)
nmchocolate chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
omg this is sooo cute! haha i love how you described the setting. on the roof, under a starry night, everything seems so perfect! you have an amazing imagination!
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