Reviews for Can't Catch Me Coz the Rabbit Done Died
bjq chapter 19 . 6/2/2014
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klu chapter 19 . 4/27/2014
I really loved this one too. I couldn't bring myself to review as the story moved along because of all the losses... It just didn't seem fair. As I've said before you do a great job connecting your characters emotionally to the reader and there were times where I was crying, devastated, or just plain felt as broken as Dean and Sam.
Of course there were times where I laughed too - I would have loved to see Cas at Woodstock; not just him all drugged out, but him standing stoically up in front in his suit and coat... Would have been a VERY funny photo...
The way things progressed with the action was truly entertaining. I loved the idea that Sam got a do-over as a reward for his sacrifice.
klu chapter 7 . 4/26/2014
I liked Tasha catching a ride with Sal - had she decide to ride back with him she'd have seen Dean's Baby when the 'old girl' was as close to a virgin as a car can be...

Poor little Sammy must be scared; but Tasha must have told the kids something about not telling any strangers anything about who their Daddy is.

I've loved the comments about 'the neighbor lady says...' and the kids are both so damn cute. I'm just picturing freckled noses, eyes that can glare like nobody's business and ornery smirks - even on four year olds.
koala-bell chapter 19 . 3/18/2014
Omg :D
So finally finished :D well yeah I'm speechless :)
Everyone is alive, and happy and awwwww you don't even know how much better I'm going to sleep tonight :D

And you're writing a 3rd part :D you can't stop can you? Because if you won't stop writing I won't stop reading :D so lets see what you bring up next :)
And always keep in mind that this here and your writing is AWESOME ;)
koala-bell chapter 4 . 3/18/2014
You killed her. You killed her. You killed her. You killed killed her. You killed killed her. You killed her. You killed her. You killed killed her. You killed her. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!

you know... I cried, a lot. God damn it WHY?
REALLY SHE IS DEAD? I'm crying, again.

That's bullshit of you ok? Not bullshit because I understand the story does work this way, but still bullshit becaus you just killed tasha. Like that, after dean got her back and also his kids. You just killed her :'/ ... Oh my god I'm way to upset for her being fictional... Make her reappear ok? Or were a one shot where they're happy family please? God this one fucks me up. She is dead :(

Sorry no really helpful or admiring reviews but hey you killed her of :P
And you don't even know how happy I was when the kids appeared :D so sweet 3
koala-bell chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
You are unbelievable! :D I'm freaking! she is pregnant :D
And yeah I was to dumb to realize it in two guys, one girl and a ticket to hell :D buuut I think you never explained why they don't use protection, I kind of just guessed the pill or something, but with her being injuried and then healed by cas... Good move :D
And dean's gonna be a daddy! Awwwwww :)

Buuut what do you mean when you say its no love story? I red it, you wrote it in the spoiler part before the chapter starts so - please not?
C'mone don't do that, I really want some sweet happy family and uncle Sam and gramps bobby and a little girl for dean to make her daddy's princess and tash to have her own family ... Don't be cruel :'( please *puppyeyes*
Sorceress of the Trees chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Hey I did not read the chapter yet but I am going to. The thing is that I am going to be reading it offline. So I wont be able to review. But I will come back but just not every chapter.
mamasam chapter 19 . 11/1/2012
Have I told you lately how much I love Tasha! Great great story. Looking forward to the next!
mamasam chapter 13 . 10/31/2012
Got me crying again...all can I say is wow!
mamasam chapter 4 . 10/30/2012 got of just placed a M rating on the begining. LOL rant...why in the hell would you kill Tasha! Errrrr.
sam's folly chapter 19 . 3/24/2012
Another awesome story! First of all, I love the title. Secondly, as with the last, this was very well written. Thirdly, the drama and suspense literally had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't put it down. I kept putting off housework and feeding my kids so I could keep reading. (Just joking about not feeding my kids. I did feed them eventually.)

Anyway, I'm off to read the next one!
PinkChampale chapter 19 . 9/21/2011
Haven't been on much, but finished the story and enjoyed it very much :) Can't wait to read what you write next.
Sparkly Blue Eyes chapter 17 . 9/8/2011
What i love most about your stories and chapters is how you leave them in a moment that leaves the reader ACTUALLY craving more! Seriously, reading this... i was like :O MORE PLEASE! )

I seriously loved how you did this chapter! Flipping them back in time, very nice touch and i never saw it happening! I am so pleased to see Dean and Tasha riding side by side again - the conversation in the car about kids...very ironic and nicely done with tying in to whats happpened previously in the plot )

I LOVE and ADORE the chemistry you have created between them, they just get each other and Dean always seems comfortable when talking with her - you do it in a way thats believable!

This chapter had so much happening, LOVE FILLED chapters; first there was Cas and Zachariah then Dean calling Ellen (I admire you bringing all of the characters in - brilliant job). and Balthazar! What happens in the background of a story eh? What a surprise to see him appear! ) This was very exciting to read, very intrigued to whats happening behind the scenes whilst other things are happening on the front line! :D

HAHA Tash's comment about two Deans! That girl has got one amazing imagination ;) what girl wouldn't think like that? hehe

The scene at the end again had me hooked, i really hate RUBY! More so at this point, loved what you did with it though! Tash and Dean confronting her! Damn right, they needed to try and stop Sam! And i think i did a happy dance when none other than CASTIEL made an appearance! Fuck yes! What an ending, sorry to swear but it's your fault :P you get me hooked and all emotional on these chapters! ) LOVE! Heading for the next, perfect like always x
Sparkly Blue Eyes chapter 16 . 9/8/2011
Would you like to see my face for this chapter? :O



OMG I was gripped from the first word to the last. Girl i'll always admire your writing style because you keep me hooked every second! The characters i just love! Cas and Sam, so bravely made that desicion and you made them so real in the plot; you write them to a T. You always have!

I liked how you brought Joshua into the mix, was nice to have him pop into the plot and my did you make him sound like he did in the actual show! Very nicely done - i could imagine that scene so very easily from your writing! and :O Offering Sam a way out only instead of Dean and little Sammy... I was like 'Oh no you didn't! Mr Gardener! : ' BUT they made the right choice and i was very pleased to see Sam sticking to his Winchester guns on this one!

AND WOW. Death? To the T - girl, truly amazing! everything about him, i bow down you did a brilliant job with him! That scene was so freaking gripping!

And AGAIN, the way the chapter ended with Dean running into Tasha! Wow, my eyes were wide and i was glued to my screen! LOL THAT WAS JUST... amazing and i am excited to read the next chapter SOOO missy i am heading there right now, need to know what happens next! :P LOVED IT! x
Sparkly Blue Eyes chapter 15 . 9/8/2011



Hey, Hey! So yes i am finally back! Apologies in the delay, i have been majorly busy and went away! My reading list is now officially as long as my arm! )

What an amazing chapter to come back to, after everything that has happened you just keep the plot rolling in a brilliant way that kept me hooked the entire time!

I'll always say it but I love your characters and how you write them like i always imagine them to be - with the comments here and there! Love it, love your writing style!

Lucifer! GRR Really do not like that guy! Enjoyed the scene, very gripping and omg did Sam just ice the devil? WOW! Didn't see that one coming and second - YOU GO SAMMY! ) LOVE!

And...that ending, oh my your mean! LOL I'm heading to the next chapter right now! Brilliantly done as always! x
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