Reviews for Not Standing Alone
EleaAnn chapter 1 . 3/31/2011

Somehow, I was expecting something else (something more, maybe) after reading the description, but then after reading the last line, I realized that this scene is actually very sweet as it is and very much in character, so... I like it! :-)
CastleCraze chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
Nice story - sounded realistic and something that the Castle writers would include in the script... very well done!
Your favourite english person chapter 1 . 3/31/2011

You snuck this one on didnt u!

Luckily i found it on my lunch break so u are forgiven and alsp - this is epically awesome. Why is castle never around whenever i make a coffee at god knows what hour?

Do more! (pretty please? I'll write u some Penny?)

I'm Widget chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
This is good. Please continue!
DreamingOutLoud93 chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
That last sentence made me go awww :)

Good job, I wish this would happen in an episode sometime soon!

IndiAcidSnake chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
okay, i am a lot like Kate right now...doing a project on Child homicide, and having to research real cases, really tired from lack of sleep, and pissed off at a few people in my life for certain reasons. so, yeah, i can relate to her, and yeah, i think i might just go cry now and then fall asleep...

good job.

Love NCISchick xooxoxox