Reviews for Multi Faceted
Tarpeia chapter 12 . 5/31
I needed this! Thank you for this heart-warming, sweet chapter. This is exactly what ought to have happened in canon; both Harry and Albus deserved nothing less. Wish I could have such a room as well. :)
Tarpeia chapter 11 . 4/27
This is one gem of a collection. Every entry is remarkable for its excellent writing style, its profound emotion and the almost visceral affection that Harry and Albus feel towards each other. You have achieved perfect and subtle characterisation, keeping everyone from Hermione to Arthur Weasley in character, not the least so our protagonists themselves. For all his fierce devotion and craving for warmth, Harry is still a teenager going through endless trials, and he needs more than his friends for comfort and peace; there is fire within him, and a lot of love to give, which he shows even during his youthful moody moments, which are realistically depicted. The insight into Albus is just as gratifying as we know that beneath his facade, there is much uncertainty and fear and even darkness, but his paternal love is, truly, the best side of him. I appreciated the way Remus Lupin's passivity was pointed out - it was important that Harry voice it; also, well-meaning or not, Lupin ought to have been there for his best friend's son. The little fashion contest was the perfect touch, cheerful and endearing. Mesmerising work!
Rosaleen chapter 11 . 4/25
Oh I am delighted to see a new chapter on this wonderful story. Arthur certainly gave some sage advice here. I love the actions speak louder than words theme. Thanks again.
E. J. Morgan chapter 10 . 3/6
That's so cute, exactly how I picture their relationship.
I can't wait for more. :)
Max Smith chapter 8 . 9/6/2018
This is the sweetest thing I have ever read. Thank you for giving us these wonderful scenarios, I hope sometime in the near future you will be able to write more.
inuyashaxkagome321 chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
Cute beginning. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
OldSkibbereen chapter 8 . 3/26/2012
How I wish the beautiful relationship you portrayed here had place in canon! I always thought thst it is precisely what both of them needed - some human warmth, that's all... You are doing a marvelous job with this fic, so please continue! Will be waiting)
Tigrislupa chapter 8 . 3/25/2012
*wibbles* Feelings. I have all these feelings and...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. You write them so well and Harry you are a little stray kitten of pitiful adorableness and need to be given much affection and many cuddles and you're making Dumbledore do this and this pleases me greatly. So greatly.

Seriously, the thought of Harry burying his head in Albus's chest just makes me so happy.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaank you for writing more! *heart*
Jedi Master Albus chapter 7 . 8/14/2011
this is great too!
8-Wolke-8 chapter 7 . 7/9/2011
Great! You really get better with every chapter!
SylvaDragon chapter 5 . 6/20/2011
Brilliant, well done Harry. He truly has learned from Albus. Wonderful.
SylvaDragon chapter 4 . 6/20/2011
Great chapter, I've always been fascinated by the idea of an angry albus, and I think that one of the few things which would anger him would be anyone trying to harm those he cares about. I loved the line about dangerously furious.
SylvaDragon chapter 3 . 6/20/2011
Adorable. :) I always loved the idea of albus comforting Harry after nightmares, and the idea of Harry doing the same for Albus is new to me, but very sweet.
SylvaDragon chapter 2 . 6/20/2011
Great chapter, I loved it. I have similar daydreams to Albus, except mine involve him either adopting Harry, or being a part of his life from birth, as a grandfather type figure.

I love to hear how albus thinks, to see things through his eyes.
SylvaDragon chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
It makes wonderful images in my mind. :) And the last line makes me laugh.
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