Reviews for Unstained
Katie chapter 2 . 6/4/2017
Your story is so cute! Well, not the it's-your-road-to-death-and-will-never-return part, but how well-written it is! Keep it coming!
Katie chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
I really enjoyed how descriptive you were and the deep message! I am excited to see what you have in store! :D
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 1 . 3/11/2016
Hi, Goldilocks. This is the author of Unstained here. I'd have messaged this to you directly but you don't have an account, so I figured this is basically the only way I could contact you.

I hate to disappoint you, but if you check the dates on this fic, you can see that it hasn't been updated in over 2 years. I wrote it while I was in highschool and had a lot more time to spare. Now I'm in university and am studying overseas, living independently for the first time, which you can imagine keeps me very busy. I don't often feel like I have the energy or motivation for storywriting. More than that, I haven't had the inspiration to work on this fic for ages.

That's not to say I've completely abandoned it. There's always the possibility I might come back to this fic, especially since I have a several-month break period coming up (over Easter break, exam break, and summer holidays). Your reviews have made me consider bumping this story up on my priority list. However, I can't make any promises. I'm sorry to disappoint you, and it means a lot to me that you were able to enjoy the story.

However, if you'd like, I could send you a basic outline of things that were going to happen in this story (and still might, if I continue it). If you get an account here, I could PM it to you. If not, I have accounts on other social media sites - I'm Obiwanlives4ever on DeviantArt and WanderingthroughWickford on Tumblr - through which you could contact me. :)
Goldilocks chapter 12 . 3/11/2016
Please please please update soon!
Goldilocks chapter 12 . 3/11/2016
Pleeeeaaaase update! You left me in overwhelming suspence! Please! HURRY UP
Goldilocks chapter 12 . 3/10/2016
Please please please please please review!
Goldilocks chapter 12 . 3/9/2016
Awesome. Please please please update sooooooon! I have a couple of ideas. Want me to share them? Okay, I'll share anyway. So Wiress will go a bit crazy, and won't stop mourning until she realises she's in the final five. Then she revives. She decides to pack up her stuff, get more supplies, and go back to the cornucopia. She sets up a series of traps and goes back to her hiding place. She waits until the traps have killed most people, until she's in the final two. Then she goes and catches scorpions and puts them in the traps( traps that can break someone's neck) so if the person survives the neck breaking the scorpions will kill them. So Wiress will be out of the way, but still win? Is that a good idea? Anyway, I know you can do it. Keep up the good work!
Goldilocks chapter 9 . 3/9/2016
It was good, but what really happened in the canyon? I'm guessing that it was Diminty that was unfairly slaughtered by the mutts? Do you think you could have a little more action next time? It was still great though! Bye bye!
Whoopsfeelingz chapter 12 . 11/30/2014
Please Continue!
HybridsRose chapter 12 . 10/3/2014
Hi. I as browsing through old fanfics today, and I came across this. I remember reading it and feeling engrossed in Wiress' story. Please continue! To my memory - it's just reached the point where Wiress' ally Arkel has died, and she's stranded on a hill/mountain like thingy, with limited resources and water. It's really interesting, and I love this story to bits! I really want to read the end of it, but I cant if it hasn't been updated...*wink wink*

Guest chapter 8 . 3/5/2014
kill eachother off
DeletedAccount3498 chapter 12 . 11/30/2013
Wow, I'm sorry I haven't reviewed in a long time. Kind of thought you weren't continuing updating you know? But I'm so glad I took the time to check on this story, I love the new chapter.

The events and pacing was written really well, so was the description, and Arkel's death was really a tragedy. I can't wait for the next chapter, and I think the impact Arkel's death had on Wiress in this chapter already develops her character into what we know as Wiress today.

The spotting of the forcefield was cleverly written, now we know why Wiress was so matter of fact about it in Catching Fire! (Because she's seen it before)

However, the one thing that detracts quality from this story would be the lack of dialogue punctuation. I would suggest searching up 'dialogue punctuation' on the internet if you've never heard the term before, for none of the dialogue was punctuated correctly throughout this chapter. Anyway, dialogue punctuation is basically:

"insert dialogue[add in a comma, question mark or exclamation mark, whatever's appropriate]" [begin dialogue tag (a dialogue tag shows who's speaking) with lower case].

One of the main issues about it in this story is that often, you treat the tag and dialogue as if they're an entirely different sentence. Putting a full stop on the dialogue, and starting the tag with a capitalized letter. e.g.

“N-no way.” I try to scramble backwards. “Absolutely not. You — you know what I said! You know I’m not going to — to do that! I wouldn’t stoop that low!”

The dialogue and tag are one sentence, so to punctuate it correctly it would be:

"N-no way," I try to scramble backwards, "Absolutely not. You - you know what I said! You know I'm not going to - to do that! I wouldn't stoop that low!"

I would heavily suggest going back and fixing that up. I hope I helped.

Oh by the way, this is XxTigerlilyxX. I just changed my penname.
nutsandvoltsdeactivated chapter 12 . 10/16/2013 God...I'm trying to compose an organized, sensible review but I can't. Arkel! My baby Arkel! No, he can't be dead, no, no, no - BEETEE YOU SON OF A BISCUIT WHY DIDN'T YOU SEND ANYTHING because you couldn't that's why there weren't enough FREAKING sponsors because the Capitol is a bunch of FREAKING GAAAAAAAHHHH! *rolls around on the floor in spasms of despair* Arkel! And Wiress didn't stay with him while he died! That's gonna tear her to pieces! Oh, I can't wait for the next chapter, you have to keep us tuned to what happens next! Does Ressie go insane? Sorta kinda? Is Beetee gonna send something? WILL ARKEL COME BACK TO LIFE BECAUSE HE'S A BOSS LIKE THAT? *rocks back and forth*
charlieal12 chapter 12 . 10/16/2013
you constantly make me forget about this story, only to update when I least expect and make me remember why I like it so much 0-0

I loved this chapter, not only because of the descriptions of the animals, but also the way in which Wiress and Arkel know the way the gamemakers play and have no problems voicing the truth out loud. I'm just kind of scared all that talk will hurt wiress after she wins. Keep up the great work :)
Sonia Raziella chapter 12 . 10/15/2013
The ending... that was intense. At first I thought the thing that was at the entrance that was scratching and growling was really an animal like the one that killed the other tribute before Arkel... which scared me a little before I realized that it was just Wiress' interpretation of the hovercraft claw... This chapter was amazing!

Sonia :)
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