Reviews for When I Only Wanted to Save the World
randomfandomboredom chapter 11 . 8/4/2018
Moonbrille chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
Reading this after the countless number of terror attacks throughout the world in the recent months... very emotional
SomethingMoreQ chapter 11 . 6/12/2016
Tearing up here. This...this is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. It seemed so long yet so short at the same times. I don't think words fit correctly right now, but I am trying to describe this amazing emotion I feel. You are amazing. Your writing is amazing. This ending is so damn emotional!
Honestly, the ending sentence gave me chills. This is the end, yet is seems like the dawn of something else. Domo arigatogozaimasu. I love this story.
SomethingMoreQ chapter 10 . 6/12/2016
Um. Yeah. Kind of graphic, but well written. I did not expect Arthur to be on top; that's an interesting twist. Me, I think that sex scenes are hard to right. You did pretty good. I can't give you any advice though. If you wanted to improve it, maybe try editing and revising it. You might, um, you know, know more.
Coughcoughcough. Ahem.
SomethingMoreQ chapter 9 . 6/12/2016
Aw. Problem: The majority of Shakespeare's work makes fun of love. You may not know this, but I think that maybe you might, since you put Shakespeare in here. Like in Romeo and Juliet, they are two youngsters caught up in a feeling that may purely be hormonal. They were not ready to die for each other in only a couple days. hey were foolish, and under the impression that they are in love. But they are not. Death, tragedy, and sadness resulted of the 'love'. When Arthur says that Alfred isn't in love, that can only tie into the underlying theme. You may or may not have meant to do this, but this is what I get out of it. This could end in a tragedy as well, with Alfred going back to America away from Arthur. Hn.
SomethingMoreQ chapter 8 . 6/12/2016
Wow. Starstruck right now.
First, I just love the beginning of the chapter with Arthur agonizing over what to do. Any person who has told someone how they fell about them like that has as least gone through that train of thought once.
Second, the kiss. I was not expecting it. At all. But I really like how you wrote it,. It was surprising, but perfectly initiated. Awesome chapter!
SomethingMoreQ chapter 7 . 6/12/2016
I like Dan. Dan is cool. DAN IS THE MAN. I like to get attached to minor characters...but seriously. I love how you gravitated Dan's words into Arthur's thinking. Dan should get a metal. Dan is awesome. But enough about Dan.
The fired part was absolutely amazing. I was on my feet practically the entire time. Fantastic addition to the story, honestly. Very, very, very well written and though inducing. You could have made it a bit longer and more dramatic, but it's still great the way it is. The scene was also very..anxiety inducing. I accidentally knocked my sister over while reading it...:D
SomethingMoreQ chapter 6 . 6/12/2016
WELL. Alfred's thoughts and memories of 9/11 real. Very sobering. I guess he's suffering from something he didn't know he has. The guilt of not being able to save the people who were still alive must really get to Alfred. He longs to be THE hero, save ALL of the people, but he can't. It's pretty cool how you develop that thinking, and I can't wait for Arthur to see more of that side.
The supper awkward scene before hand with the discussion of Frances was pretty cringy. I felt pretty awkward then, and this is fiction! XD Great job on conveying emotions.
SomethingMoreQ chapter 5 . 6/12/2016
Huh. I did not expect Arthur to be the one to first suggest to really hang out. Very interesting. As we're still on the topic of interesting things, the book shop is both confusing and intriguing. The gift would be a bit much, in my opinion, but the books used to belong to Arthur!? Am I right? Was not expecting that. Amazing twist!
SomethingMoreQ chapter 4 . 6/12/2016
Just ask him out already! The last part was so awkward! But then, Alfred's doing a pretty good job of keeping conversation rolling. That's awesome!
The little bit with Alfred's longing to run was brilliantly written. I can feel and share his anxiety and frustration. And it'll be a while before he can do that. It makes me empathetic! So great job on creating mood and tone in your writing, something a lot of writes have trouble with. On to the next!
SomethingMoreQ chapter 3 . 6/12/2016
Yeah. That was pretty vague. But Arthur's pretty smart, but then, not very bold either. If it were me, I would show up and be like, "Oh? What a COINCIDENCE." *wink*
Still. Very in character for Alfred. Well done at writing both Arthur and Alfred, by the way. I can't wait to see how you develop their relationships, and I predict that Alfred's going to get up early tomorrow to see Arthur. I guess I'll see. :)
SomethingMoreQ chapter 2 . 6/12/2016
And sparks begin to fly!
I could totally feel the moment and the slight tension in the bus scene. I would have been unbelievably flustered! Actually. Wait, no. I would have prepared, unlike SOME people (couchAlfredcough) But seriously, the bus scene where Alfred is behind Arthur is soooo in character! I can definitely imagine him leaning forward and making Arthur jump. I can SEE the scene. it is very well written. :D
SomethingMoreQ chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
You did an absolutely splendid job on the first chapter! I am hooked!~ I don't know if you're still in (This was written a while ago) but I really want to show my appreciation of this story! Reviews will get progressively longer as the story continues. Thanks in advance for a totally epic read!
NordicsAwesome chapter 11 . 5/11/2016
Aw this is adorable! UsUk has to be my second OTP, after sufin :3
kwingard12 chapter 8 . 11/15/2015
Hello friend referencing time again! Showers are slippery and hard to take standing on one foot, plus if you fall it hurts like hell so hotels usually have special handycap shower seats or at the vary least a plastic chair. I think Alfred would have used one of these
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