Reviews for Common Ground
Ruby of Raven chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
I think Pegasus is the only one who is really aware of the feeling he has for the both of them. XD
EdeatheDemonFox chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
This was a very...unique pairing. I've never seen or heard or even thought of them together but you wrote their dialoge and chemistry very well. I just wish Mokuba had a little bit of a bigger part.
Yokai Hebitori chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
Good Story. Might I add it was very humourous.
Plus, I love the added twist of Kaiba's plot to do business with Pegasus about creating their own cards and shorting them up in space. It ties in nicely with Jaden's plot into creating the Neo-Spacians & giving power to Yubel and all that.

Keep Up The EXCELLANT Work!
-Yokai Hebitori
BiblioMatsuri chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Jonouchi didn't just step on the butterfly, he squished it. (Referring to the origin of the NeoSpacians and how Yubel went more crazy).
Crazikido2 chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
What?z that's it?z... It sounds so interesting
Doubleplusgoodduckspeaker chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
For some reason, this reminds me a lot of your... Rivalshipping? That was the other one set in a hospital, right?

But I like how this was a moment, a carefully controlled single point on a line that you give us plenty of direction for where it will lead. At first I was afraid that it was just going to be hey-all-three-characters-are-in-a-room-look-Rendershipping but you give us a lot more than that-my favorite part I think is Jounouchi and Pegasus' interaction at the beginning-when he doesn't know whether to look at Pegasus' face or not, and then his subsequent reaction... that was good :)

It's funny how a lot of us told our stories through Jounouchi's eyes-I wonder how this one would be different if seen through, say Pegasus' (only saying that because you write him well) Ohh, wait... seen through his... eye? *ewww*

Anyways, good job! :D
safa'at keruth chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
I really admire how so many of your fics have been set squarely in canon - it's really hard to make some pairings (especially the insane ones we've been getting for the contest) work with the context of canon but still believable. Your presentation of Rendershipping was really interesting to read too; the little thought Jounouchi had at the end about how feelings toward both of them was a nice summary of the pairing.

The situation was also amusing; it seems just like Jounouchi to manage to get them both to do that while only semi-aware of what he was actually going for (or at least, that's what it seemed like to me). And it's even more IC of him to make nothing of the events but a story to tell his friends later on.

I especially enjoyed the implication that Jounouchi had only gone to see Pegasus and thank him because he'd almost died; while it was probably partially because Pegasus was in Domino at the time, I can't help but think it was also a self-planted guilt tripe. Since Jounouchi didn't seem all that fond of Pegasus during Duelist Kingdom.

I like your characterization too - all three characters were very well-written, and every now and then there was the odd line from Pegasus that made me smile because I could practically hear him saying it. ("I must remember to give Crocketts a raise" was one of them I particularly liked.)

I really don't have any criticism for this. Great job, and good luck! :)

Animom chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
Whatever was going on in the Pegasus-Kaiba dynamic sort of went over my head, but the Pegasus-Jounouchi interaction was delightful.
Sun-chan1 chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
Nice concept. I really liked the characterization, this feels exactly like something that could happen in canon.
dragonlady222 chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
I think, Jounouchi gave Kaiba some food for thought. He would do anything for Mokuba. I'm glad Pegasus was so nice.
Mystical chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
It's pretty interesting how you did this exactly, Higuchimon. Very interesting indeed.