Reviews for Spoiled
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
Aw, poor Soubi. It's sad what Seimei did to him.

I loved this story so much!
siri227 chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Brilliantly written, both in terms of style and plot. Good stuff!
Cereal-Killa chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
Wow! This is a way cute story! I absolutely loved it. I've always thought of how much a difference there is between Ritsuka and Seimei (most definately in their almost opposite approaches toward Soubi), and this story displays it perfectly, with the touch of angst and drama necessary, while also giving us a quaint, lovely end. I also love the whole 'first person Soubi' thing, I don't tend to see that often in this fandom. Nice job! I hope to see more for you soon, Cereal :)
eefara chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
So cute and heartbreaking... ;; You captured Seimei perfectly, IMO, as you did Soubi. Though I wonder what could have possessed Soubi to say 'I love you' in the first place...
promocat chapter 1 . 4/8/2011
poor soubi!seimei was sooo evil & ristuka must seem like a fresh breeze of goodness!
Bri chapter 1 . 4/8/2011
Really good.
loveless Flo chapter 1 . 4/8/2011
You write the finest Loveless fanfiction. They should publish your stories in a book and offer it as a prize to everyone who owns the complete manga :) They really are the best, honestly.