Reviews for Calm Like You
Guest chapter 14 . 8/21/2016
OMG! Good times... What a story ...Could you write another please ...You are fantastic
givemekevinbacon chapter 16 . 9/18/2012
I've been reading this for the past couple of days, and I just have to say that it is honestly one of the best house fics I have ever read. You managed to stay true to the characters with each chapter, but were able to show the internal struggles that they both went through at the same time. And I loved that while this was mainly a huddy fic, the importance of Wilson was never belittled. The ending was absolutely fitting and I truly enjoyed reading this! Lovely job :D
hlisa chapter 16 . 6/5/2012
OMG fantastic story, sad you finished it... seriosly, how can you write like this? its fantastic... congratulations...
Iane Casey chapter 16 . 4/21/2012
Aaaand that's a wonderful wrap! Loved it!

This was a great story, love! Thanks for agreeing to write it! Every chapter was a wonderful read. Loved how you wrote House and Cuddy's journey without Wilson!

Ducks... Lol, yeah, one can't help but associate ducks with Wilson xD

Now... you go finish that story you sent me! I need more of that! xD
Iane Casey chapter 15 . 4/21/2012
Finally got to read the entire chappie! I really loved it! :) Poor House :( He couldn't even enjoy one of the things he liked doing with Wilson without having a panic attack and imagining how Wilson died. I liked how Cuddy chose to control the situation and told him to talk to someone. Overall, loved the emotions swirling throughout in this chapter!
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 16 . 3/18/2012
Very nice. I am on my way next to your profile to see what other treasures await.

One of the best Huddy reconcile stories I have read. There is another that is very good that I will willingly plug for called "TOO LOST TO BE FOUND". It is also a keeper.

Keep writing.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 12 . 3/18/2012
I love how House is questioning the fact of whether or not he can trust Cuddy. I also love how you brought up how he "gave up all of who he is" just to try to make her happy, when she refused to budge on anything. In thinking back on this relationship, Cuddy's inherent control issues blossomed from the first hour they were together. She went to him "KNOWING" he would cave and be with her. (I also love the fact that you recognized that House did say "GOODBYE" to Cuddy, at the crane accident, when he gave her that small glance as he closed the ambulance doors). I never thought his despair in his bathroom was over anything other than the loss of Hannah. He felt like he betrayed HIS OWN BELIEFS and faked her into amputation, which ultimately killed her. He wanted to try "ALL OTHER OPTIONS" before amputating her leg (give her the options that he himself was denied).

Great job.

btw, I am NOT a HUDDY fan (never really liked Cuddy), I never saw any indication that she as a "friend" to House, even though he always backed her up/or gave her an out to protect her. He was only willing to sacrifice one else. So with that disclosure you have my sincere thoughts about how wonderfully you've written this story...
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 11 . 3/18/2012
Penelope, you have done an INCREDIBLE job with these amazing characters. If I didn't know better I would say that David Shore (in his infinite stupidity) fired you as a writer during the second half of season 5 (when he was busy blowing up all these characters) and replaced you with an out of work Motor Vehicle Department Clerk...and we all know how insightful they can be. Hahaha

Bravo for you. Nothing has slipped past you in your analysis of what went wrong and how, between House and Cuddy. The fact that House being the one to want to dissect and analyze the explosion of their break-up is PERFECT. Yes, people want to call him childish, yet he truly does learn from his mistakes...or at least he WANTS to learn. Granted, it is easier for him professionally, but he was taught coping skills during his first trip to Mayfield, which he is obviously trying to use.

If season 7 had looked more like this scenario I am sure the Makers Mark intake in my house would have greatly declined last year...pun intended.

Keep it up, you have tremendous talent.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 7 . 3/18/2012
perfect eulogy from House about Wilson...the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
newdayz chapter 16 . 2/22/2012
So well written a great work!
vulcaniumx chapter 16 . 2/20/2012
loved everything about this story. sad to finally see it end. great way to end it tho
CGCath chapter 16 . 2/20/2012
What a great ending ! I'm sad that your fic is finished, I loved every chapters I read . Thanks for this terrific story and I hope that you'll write another one soon :))
JLCH chapter 16 . 2/20/2012
Great ending. Terrific story. I hope you will write again!
LapizSilkwood chapter 16 . 2/20/2012
I love you so muuuuuuch for writing this fanfiction :') One of my all time favourite for sure. So sad and beautiful at the same time. The epilogue made me tear up I have to admit :') Huddy is endgame, it makes so happy to see they are together even after everything they've been through.

Thank you 3
HuddyGirl chapter 16 . 2/19/2012
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