Reviews for Can't Be Friends
4-Starry-Night-8 chapter 4 . 7/24/2013
This is so creepy and I'm freaking out that I want you to write more, but your writing style is engaging.
XxEviXkittenxX chapter 4 . 6/12/2013
Is this done or will there be more? Because as much as I hate Character deaths, I really like this story so far and would love to see where it goes from here if there's going to be more.
Penguin Princess chapter 2 . 10/19/2012
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what happened in this chapter and the first one.
Will chapter 4 . 8/5/2011
I love this story so much. Please keep writing more! It has so much angst and you've set up a perfect plot for more. I like how you didn't make sex the main theme and turn it into a smut-ridden piece. Although I would like to see something between Roy and Dick.
Ash Likes Lemons chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
love it
LaughingCass chapter 4 . 5/13/2011
Normally I don't read stories like this because they make me want to cry and emo in the corner but for some ungodly known reason I can't help but love this story...

although there are some parts in the beginning few chapters where I got confused as to who's perspective it was in but it might just be me.

Anyway can hardly wait for the next update D
Destiny Lot chapter 4 . 4/21/2011
Geez nice dark fic.

Hope to read more soon.
Little Karma chapter 4 . 4/20/2011
interesting, i love it as a one shot. but this is better it's deeper. i'll wait to see the next chapter.
mahlia chapter 4 . 4/20/2011
This was.. powerful.

Obviously (and thankfully) I have no idea what going through an event as horrific as this would do to a person, but I really didn't think Dick would completely lose it like he has here. It's understandable, sure, but unexpected. The gut-wrenching part for me was his anger at Bruce for the funeral, for having Wally in an open casket. Dick yelling at Wally as they hauled him away was amazing. Bruce sensing that would happen was even better. No one knows crazy all-consuming grief like dear old Bruce. And your COMPLETE lack of Barry/Flash in this chapter speaks volumes, much more than if you would have mentioned him at all. I sit here, trying to imagine what Dick's outburst would have done to Barry, and it's superb. I'm so glad you *didn't* go there. Makes it more interesting to force the reader to think about stuff like that.

Dick avoiding the Batcave was interesting. I'm still not totally clear on why he did, but I like the idea. And the security he felt by wearing his Robin costume was also strange. Is it because he could focus on not having to be Dick Grayson, who couldn't save Wally and stop Roy?

The beginning section about nightmares was also a bit confusing. I think I understand the general idea, but it seemed a bit random to me up until he answers the phone.

"Roy didn't attend the funeral."

I barked out a laugh there, because oddly enough, Roy hadn't crossed my mind at all to that point. I'd been so focused on Dick (HAHA) and his grief, totally forgetting who was the cause of all of it. And the little you mentioned about Green Arrow hunting down the imposters (Roy look-alikes, right?) was great. Roy, you so clever! I love that he's outsmarting the J.L. for now. They're too blinded by grief to treat this the way they normally would. They're likely seeing Roy everywhere anyway, because they're so enraged about what he did, but Roy having people who look like him throw the J.L. off his trail is PRICELESS! What a kick to the balls.

Secretly I was hoping you'd have Wally in an open casket. Having everyone be able to see the damage Roy inflicted was a great point to make. He's still taunting everyone and he's miles away. "Hey! Look what I did to KF! He's missing chunks of his head and has more holes than Swiss cheese! Teehee!" The god-awful red wig was a nice touch.

Wonderful chapter! Somehow, Roy wasn't even *in* this chapter and it was still all about him. (At least in my opinion.) I can't wait for more!
AYMK00 chapter 4 . 4/20/2011
Oh gosh, that was so sa Bruce's and Alfred's comforting was really perfect, and the normalcy you mentioned for Alf's actions in particular seemed sweet.

This was heartbreaking; reading Dick's slight breakdown at the graveyard, but I guess it was to be expected. Describing the body like that, I had a feeling you would go there.

You update so frequently! It's great XD

I look forward to reading your next instalment ~
ChuChuMarshmallow chapter 3 . 4/18/2011
Ookay. Finally reviewing. Lazy ftw.

I don't know if I'm capable of properly spazzing like Mahli does, so I'll just.. attempt ish. Sorta. I'm still feeling kinda lazy hurhur.

Every little thing from chapter 1 to 3 is perfect. The smallest of details make it sooo enjoyable to read, and it's only amplified by your writing style. During the first half of chapter one, all I kept thinking was "damnit dick, NOTICE" but he didn't seem to get /anything/ and if he were here I'd torture him and say that it's his fault that Roy snapped and his fault that Wally's head turned into smush. Which I love, btw. Smush head with a side of blood. Yummy to read.

To be honest, I hadn't even THOUGHT about Batman and Flash and the rest of the League until you brought it up. And now that you have, it's like "fuck Roy, you need to plan your shit fast and right cause they're gonna destroy you." Part of me wants to see that, but then there's that part of me that wants Robin to suffer moar somehow. They never caught Wally's murderer, or something. Oh Dick. You tempt the best of us to destroy your life into so many pieces.

Going back to Chapter 1 though, poor, poor Wally. I would say something like "It was quick" but it wasn't, he had to deal with Roy's taunting and pinning him down before getting shot in the head. I almost feel bad, well, I kinda do feel bad, but he's such a little /bitch/ on the Twitter that it kinda makes me smirk instead, as evil as that may be.

And yeah, Mahli's right. You do write the best of ending lines.
mahlia chapter 3 . 4/18/2011
Where the HELL do I begin with this review? Damn it, woman, you and your awesome Roy and your quietly sobbing, broken Dick.

The tone and pace in this chapter are really different than the first two. And you know what? It works. Now that he's permanently scarred Dick and pissed of the entire Justice League, Arsenal has time to calm down and plot his next moves. (And he REALLY needs to plot carefully. Shit..) So it only makes sense to have the pace slow a bit, kind of like his heartbeat slows as the adrenaline wears off. Well done. I love it.

And his obssession with the gun he used to stroke Robin's face? Twisted and dark and just... perfect. It drives home the fact that the dude's gone off the deep end. And it's interesting, the way you phrased the line about Arsenal climbing down the fire escape: "There's no point in using gloves to descend from the third story safely; Robin will tell which way he's seen him leave, a little blood on the wall won't make much of a difference."

It's so practical, all things considered. And it makes him appear that much crazier since he can think so rationally after doing something like this. ALSO. And when the kid's talking to the cops/J.L., he's back to being Robin. /tackles you and snuggles all over you/

You're just.. amazing. And the fact that a bunch of hardcore gang bangers are nervous around him? Even more badass.

And so you know? You are the Queen of Kickass Last Lines.

"News moves fast in the city of fallen stars."

Talk about a slap across the face and punch to the chest. More like a fucking pistol whipping, actually.

I'm fangirling like crazy over this. You have NO idea.
Chopasticka chapter 3 . 4/18/2011
I like how super delirious Roy is...
potterinu chapter 3 . 4/18/2011
It wasn't until this chapter that I thought about the Flash. I was suprised that Roy left Robin there. I thought he would attempt to take him with him or something. Still very nice.
AYMK00 chapter 3 . 4/18/2011
Oh gosh, you updated! Twice! -HUGS- Ha ha

Chapter two was just so horrible! And by that I am referring to Roy's actions. It was just so heart-breaking and dark, and not once did I stop feeling that strong sense of pity for Dick that I had developed the moment Wally had been shot. It would have been an incredibly traumatising experience, and for Roy to have had no qualms about doing it was just terrifying. He was so merciless!

Oh gosh, and chapter three. Leaving Dick like that was something that pulled even more at my heart-strings. Here, the boy was absolutely devastated. He was clutching onto the cold and dead form of the person he loved, and /Roy/, the person who had /ripped/ that from him -and so much more- just walked away from the scene. If I hadn't previously been convinced that the teen was no longer himself, this chapter would have been the one to have slapped my face and told me "THIS ISN'T ROY". The actions were so merciless and cruel, and, towards the end, selfish. Oh goshh;; he really dreams of Dick forgiving him? How twisted!

Roy really seems to be losing sight of reality.

Amaaazing work, Shintas ; v ;

Looking forward to your next instalment, lovee~~
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