Reviews for Parental Advice
Dixie Dewdrop chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
Your dialogue is very good. I enjoyed this.
Scioneeris chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
Your English is quite fine here! I loved this little spin-off fic, it is completely believable and I think you captured the characters just perfectly. I love Carlisle and Edward moments like these!
snowfire169 chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
Love the story, especially the Edward/Carlisle bonding!

One nitpick: at the beginning Edward "turns over to face Bella", then two sentences later he is "not looking up" - without ever having dropped his gaze.
Rachael Fairbanks chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I liked that one! I liked the Father-Son-New Dad fluff going on.

Quite cute.

And I can understand that Edward felt a little embarrassed about talking about the "s word" with his dad!

It was great! Keep it up.

You should do full stories next time!
wandamarie chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
wow it was a good one thanks keep up the good work hope you write more
Agena K chapter 1 . 5/22/2011
Dear Schwester Aurelia,

This is a warm, loving story that truly touched my heart. thanks.

WerewolfLover91 chapter 1 . 5/5/2011
This was very sweet! I loved it
Phoenixhp5 chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
very sweet! loved the whole idea of edward seeking advice from his father.
Coven-Leader-Carlisle-Cullen chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
Veeery nice story!

Hey Aurelia!

As I read the other story, you refering to, too (oh hell ...), I liked the ties here very much :)

Love it when Edward talks to his father!

For your first story it was great and I enjoyed it very much!

Love, Vanessa

PS: Jaaa ganz tolle Story wirklich! Ich hoffe du schreibst noch mehr *bettelblickaufsetz*
fly chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
very enjoyable ... thanks for the glimpse of the E & C relationship
Just4Me chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
Great story. I liked seeing Edward seek out Carlisle's help. Edward wasn't afraid to be vulnerable, and (of course) Carlisle was able to help and support him. Very nicely done. I hope you do more.
reading is my addiction chapter 1 . 4/13/2011

I saw that you posted so I thought I better get my official review posted! I really like your concept for this story. I think it's very plausible that Edward would seek Carlisle's reassurance and advice in this situation. I love this line "Tomorrow she will wake up as a wiser child." Very well said and true! Also I love how Carlisle reassures Edward, leading him to there through his feelings of his own experience. I think that's very Carlisle, and a fantastic way for the conversation to go! It's a perfect way to show him that Nessie wil be fine and love him no less, by tying in his feelings towards Carlisle in the same situation! I just think it's very well thought out and portrayed nicely here! And for not being a native to the English language I think you did an great job with your writing and I would encourage you to continue! So wonderful job!

- reading is my addiction