Reviews for Candid Obscura
Guest chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
The look into Inui's databook was really iinteresting XDD I always wondered what it would look like and your writing makes it sound really probable!
rose-of-alabaster chapter 1 . 6/25/2011
This is was so nicely hilarious and sweet at the same time. I laughed the whole way through but it also made me think about Fuji and the way that he views his teammates at the same time. I loved it.

And your writing style is so funny. It got a little hard to read every once in a while but overall it was wonderful.
wrtrs chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
You know, it’s pretty strange to read something that’s that long but doesn’t have a lot of action happening in it. I mean, yeah, there is the photo exhibition and everyone (except Tezuka lol) finding out about Fuji’s hidden camera “coup” - but everything is still so normal, you know? There are no kidnappings, showdowns at sundown, pirates, explosions, or any real tennis (exactly like in “Smile” or any other of your POT stuff. Do you take requests? Write a tennis scene soon please!), just really normal stuff like going out for burgers, Kaidou and Momo arguing, and Eiji’s motives for even going and his crush on that girl. (Lots of laughs about Inui’s theory about Fuji’s unspoken wishes, though! I was like Kaidou: it’s Inui but whaaaat?) But that’s fine since I think it works for this story, and it’s enough that Tezuka destroys dinosaurs with tennis anyway

But yeah, to be honest (please don’t take it the wrong way), there isn’t a whole lot of point to the plot and it doesn’t really “progress” like stories usually do - but I really, REALLY liked your characterization and how the characters work together. Quick question: did you decide to focus on the characters and just let the plot go wherever the characters took it? It looks like it and I think that threw me off a couple of times since I’m not used to it (but in a good way so I couldn’t slack off while reading *embarrassed*). Anyway, it’s hard to explain, but everyone in the story just came across like they should, you know? Even Fuji and his choice in books (and him channelling his inner Oishi! That part had me laughing so hard), Inui’s notebook entry about Tezuka and Fuji, and Oishi’s very “un-Oishi-like” intentions (I wouldn’t want to pay for Momo’s dinner either).

So on a whole... good job. It was fun to read, there’s a lot of detail, and you obviously know the characters. Besides, it’s different and I like different. It makes me wonder about Yuuta though, and if he knows that his whole life probably is documented in pictures somewhere? But maybe he’s better off not knowing...