Reviews for Where You Belong
Guest chapter 5 . 2/14
This is an amazing fanfic
Nichalia chapter 13 . 9/29/2014
WOOOO a happy ending!
mericcup - shaka chapter 6 . 8/22/2014
This chapter made me realise how much garuss is similar to hiccup haddock the 3rd ( DreamWorks and cressida cowells httyd series )
They constantly seek their fathers approval - and get it after the harsh words and arguments - I enjoyed reading your portrayal of their relashionship - well done :) xxx
Reilovernat1213 chapter 13 . 7/7/2014
Read both the prequel and this story vigorously! The way that you write Shepard and Garrus is so charming and captivating, it's just right. Thank you for working so hard to finish it, it really was a magnificent story. I look forward to any and all of your future works, consider me a fan! Good luck in everything!
Lil-Green-Leprechaun chapter 3 . 10/19/2013
Really lovely story so far. Exactly how I imagine her first trip to palaven being perceived by its people.
fracysun chapter 13 . 1/18/2013
I'm a Chinese,and I speak English not very I must say something to you.I read Where You Belong in one week with 's really a moving story!Even that I broke to tears when Teagan wiped her Vakarians are impressive the endings of ME3 is not good,but I believe Shepard is still alive!I am not sure that you can understand what I said exactly because of my poor English.I just want to thank you for the sweet and warmly you very much indeed!
Author-Of-Sin chapter 13 . 10/19/2012
So, I've read the whole thing, including the prequel, and I did like the story.
There were a few times that it dragged a bit because you do tend to REALLY like to explain... Well, everything. It is a bit much at times.
But, it was a good story.
Overall, good job, solid plot, good characters, though Garrus -occasionally- felt a bit OOC. But not too often, fortunately.
Interesting story, all said and done. Good job.

Sedgehammer chapter 13 . 6/11/2012
I'm 8 months pregnant, too! Weird!
dannybates chapter 13 . 6/11/2012
This is still as good as all of your other chapters :) I really enjoyed reading it, along with the rest of the story.
Ireadsgood chapter 13 . 6/10/2012
I applaud your movie choice, that movie is indeed a classic. However while I'm saddened to see that your skipping ME3 for the most part I love the way you've currently ended it and hope to see you continue from the epilogue. And if not then I'm anxious to see a new story from you in the months to come!
pinkrollingstone chapter 13 . 6/10/2012
Such a wonderful end this is something I always just conjure up in my head. All because the end of the game was just plain horrible. Wonderful work at this piece. :D
Alex.y.111 chapter 13 . 6/10/2012
One of my favorite ME fics ever. I'm glad you've added this chapter.
servantofclio chapter 13 . 6/10/2012
This is a sweet finale to this story! After all their trials and tribulations, it's nice to see them happy. I tend to lean toward your more favorable interpretations of the galactic situation, too.
Sarge1995 chapter 13 . 6/10/2012
Well, this was an adorable epilogue! Nice and realistic ending, with such lovely sappiness, haha. Thanks for writing such a great story!
Ursula Cousland chapter 12 . 5/1/2012
This is very well written, and I like how you handle the more intimate scenes and the discussion of clan markings especially. Overall I just REALLY liked how you did all of this. :)
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