Reviews for recessional
Butterfree chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
Ahh, I always love reading different authors' interpretations on what transpired between Red and Green. It's an emotional roller coaster every time. I applaud you especially for being able to write a Green, who went from really adoring and wanting to protect Red to absolutely hating him, that both connected well to canon and was believable at the same time. His character arc is probably one of my favourites in any story that I've read so far; so wonderfully flawed yet relatable.

But while I loved all of Green's character arc throughout the story, I think my absolute favourite part had to be your decision to start off Red and Green's journey in drifting apart by having them both go through a traumatic experience. I've never seen anyone take that route before, but I think it worked really well in shocking off that initial intimacy that the two shared. If they were any older or experienced, it may have made them closer but as kids, neither of them would have been able to handle it in the best of ways. I'm amazed at how you could portray such symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder that are outside of the obvious and more mainstream coping mechanisms like anger and fear. On the other end of the spectrum, the pay-off of Green making continually worse decisions coming to fruition when he broke down with Daisy was perfectly satisfying. It made that moment when he resolved to get up an gradually get better made him that much of a more respectable character after everything that he did.

So yeah, if you couldn't tell, I really loved your story! I kind of wish there was a partner fanfic telling the entire tale from Red's point of view. Seeing as so much focus was centered on Green, the other half of the pairing was a perpetual question mark for a lot of it. Still, even without his perspective, this story alone was still amazing. Thank you for the read!

~ Queenie
Trainer Fiona chapter 1 . 11/3/2016
This one of the best stories ever!
Princess Uchiha.0223 chapter 1 . 9/30/2016
Wow, that was some story. Such beautiful characterization ..and that build-up. Wow. I am a sucker for slow build-ups, especially angsty ones, and this takes the cake. Freaking brilliant!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
It is, without a doubt, a magnificent piece of work.
Living to Laugh and Love chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
I really hate these vague endings, but your story was written too beautifully for me not to review. Great writing and great characterisation. Poor Green. I'd like to think Red did eventually forgive him and understand why he behaved the way he had.
abandoned23456 chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
I love your writing so very much. You write everyone so in character and their backstories are so realistic. You're an amazing writer, and this is an amazing story!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
PokeSpeBanette chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
I have no words because I can't decide on what to say. I could make this long and say how well its written, or I could go into fangirl mode and squee a lot, but i'll just leave it at that.
Sin chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
This is deep and different than others. I like it when an autor writes such stories.
Windragon66 chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
FighterGirl14 chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
Amazing. You are one talented writer.
Tears and Tears chapter 1 . 3/18/2013
Thank you for the story. For some odd reasons, I feel like crying. But it was really worth the read.
Luckcu13 chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
Such a sad story, you write really, really well. You also seem to have thought the plot out well too, because this story fits into the gaps in the story of the games really well. Thank you for writing this.
Kouki chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
One of the most beautiful, cute and awesome originalshipping fic i had read in me freaking. entire. life. SERIOUSLY!

I luv how you put all the characters. I always wonder WHY OAK WAS SO MEAN TO GREEN (y u, Oak? Y U? ? ! !) and this can... not (actually, it can't) help me to understand why he was like that. At least not UNTIL the whole gameverse started.

Aaanyway. Thank you so much for this fic. I luv it. From the very bottom of my heart :)
eportaile chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
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