Reviews for Wolfshipping
Dragon-lover28 chapter 25 . 7/22/2013
I love this story very much but there is still something about Seto's personally and the ending makes me want to scream out "why it has to be like this". I don't like your ending because it didn't show Seto's emotion as a uke enough and it kinda sad. Overal, you did a great job as a writer so keep work hard and write as many wonderful story as this one as you can.
darkmoonlady chapter 26 . 3/26/2013
Nice fic
I loved it
It was sad but beautiful in is own way
Friendly darkmoonlady
RatLady1 chapter 7 . 3/2/2013
Oh, there went the fourth wall...
RatLady1 chapter 2 . 3/2/2013
Love the hydrant line! :)
Silver-Haired-Thief chapter 26 . 8/9/2012
:/ i dont see how this story was offending. IT IS JUST A FREAKING STORY PEOPLE! GET OVER IT!
This was a really good story. :)
Silver-Haired-Thief chapter 4 . 8/9/2012
I dont mind the comment about Twilight. I actually find it hilarious when people make fun of Twilight. Lolz.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10/2012
I wish your fic had turned out more like the picture beside your name. That would have been really entertaining. This was just depressing and almost made me hate the pairing because of the way Joey kept acting. It's like he only saved Kaiba so he could keep torturing him instead. Not very romantic. Not really love. Just selfish, evil, and very un-Joey.
SomuchSarcasm chapter 26 . 4/10/2012
Sorry, I know its been some time since you finished this, but I wanted to review. :)

First, I should probably expressive my appreciation of a brilliant story. I couldn't stop reading! Though I still can't decide if I actually liked it or not, lol. As a rule I enjoy Seto as seme, but I've no real reason for my like. I think I Understand what you were trying to achieve, but I feel frustrated for some reason. Perhaps, I'm just a hopeless romantic and the themes were too dark for me.

Still, not your problem :) I just felt the need to vent.

Oh, and this is a little off point as well, but if you've not read Bohra Naono's twoshot 'secret knife' it might be enjoyable, your story reminded me of it somewhat.

Awesum story, once again. :)

PS, feel free to drop a line if you haven't found a beta again.

Tarusenacrow Ciel's Brother chapter 4 . 2/24/2012
Well, yummy,oops I didn't mean that what I meant was, ummm, okay creepy but yes Kaiba deserved It was a bit to far :/ o_0
JZReids chapter 26 . 1/16/2012
I appreciate that you wrote what you did in your author's note and let everyone know where you stand. I think it would have been more obvious that Joey is trying to pick up the pieces after going too far if he had showed more remorse (at least through his thoughts) and either had a serious talk with Kaiba or stopped mocking his situation. When he made jabs about Mokuba being sent away I thought that was pretty heartless, especially from someone who's supposed to be a caring older brother. That was a line I was hoping he'd never cross, as it would have shown that there was still something human in him.

I was glad to see you punish Joey in the end by having his two closest friends leave him. I was disheartened to see that Kaiba once again suffered by losing fingers when he was turned. I found myself thinking, "Geez, hasn't he been punished enough throughout the entire story?" But, for all I know, those may grow back as part of the werewolf thing. It makes sense, otherwise Bakura's head would still look like Swiss cheese.

I just kept looking for that small spark of hope toward the end, that maybe *maybe* things could work out for them in time. That's what kept me reading, to see how much Kaiba could endure and still find it in himself to forgive Joey and care about him. I feel like Kaiba came out of this more human and likable than Joey. In the end, I was just left with the impression that Joey was still a jerk slipping closer to the edge and willing to drag Kaiba down with him when he finally went over (or just got bored with living). It's one thing to learn a lesson the hard way, or get a taste of your own medicine only to have the one seeking revenge to go too far and realize how easy it was for you to do it first, but Joey went to the extreme and still never really grew a conscience. Joey could have really matured in this fic, having been a villainous monster, like he once saw Kaiba to be. He came close toward the end, I just wish he'd come around more.

Again, I hope you do those one-shots. There's a lot of potential there and many questions could be answered and uneasiness put to rest. You've left yourself a real challenge with Kaiba and Joey's relationship in this story, but you're a good author and I think you can figure out a way to pull them through this.
LightShadowsh chapter 26 . 1/16/2012
I understand what you mean.

in one of my stories, I even killed the rapist by making him commit suicide after watching the person he loves dying. I think rapists are supposed to have the WORST punishments ever, yet I had people shouting in me in reviews as in WHY the rapist's lover (who is NOT the victem) told the rapist that his death wasn't his fault and that I shouldn't write unless I know what I write and that I support rape.

some people CAN'T read with a brain.
Mistress Zhou chapter 25 . 1/15/2012
haha this was such a dark and twisted joyride. kudos :P
RazorBladesAndCupcakes chapter 3 . 1/13/2012
Sorry but I stoped reading at the word "rape". Ive said it before and I will say it again. Stories like this spit in the face of real life victims. And it being used as cheap revenge is even lower. Honestly you should be ashamed for using it as a plot device like this. I dont mind Kaiba being taken down some but this...this is uncalled for...and honestly? It makes me sick.

And that is all I really have to say. Take this as you want.
Renchikolul chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
I hear ya its very hard to find a story where Seto is uke but its possible. I wish more writer thought like you. I like character you think would never be on bottom became uke. Saddly i am one of very few at least now i can add another favorite author to my account
Nique13 chapter 2 . 12/11/2011
Wh is he calling him lizard and gecko? Is it because of his dragon?
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