Reviews for 420
AquaEclipse chapter 1 . 9/20/2018
*sigh* don't do drugs, kids.
yep, please, no incest for me
This isn't too bad.
Autobot girl 2234 chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
Qoheleth chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
Dear Beauty:

I wonder if you're aware that this story, due to a defect in this site's programming, is currently at a marked and rather unfair disadvantage in terms of attracting readership. It seems that, when you try to use the sorting feature on the posted- or favorite-stories list on someone's profile, that feature only works properly so long as no story on the list (a) has a title that consists entirely of digits and doesn't begin with 0, (b) is posted in a fandom thats title consists entirely of digits and doesn't begin with 0, or (c) is entitled "Infinity". If any of these things is true of one of the stories on the list - as is the case on your list of published stories, and on the 62 Favorite Stories lists where this story is currently archived - then the site, instead of sorting all the stories, first deletes the story in question and all stories updated less recently, and then sorts the remainder. This seems to me to do a grave injustice to all of us on this site, and especially to you and your fellow authors of such stories, and I hope you'll join me in urging the site management to correct it.


P.S.: Sorry, no review. I'm only contacting you this way because I don't know your email address, and I can't send you a PM. (I've left it anonymous, so you can delete it after you've read it.)
SONICgal chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
LOL I really liked this! I don't really condone this kind of thing in real life, but here (and some other cases) it's hilarious!
crownthegoldfish chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
Haha nice
Read-Sleep-Routine chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Well, that was cute.
maplepancakes99 chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
Lol that was so funny XD
BlackRoseGirl666 chapter 1 . 9/29/2012
Omg, I adore this! Totally how I imagine this happening in real life.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
i love you for this.
stoner america's need more love.
mofalle chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
Drugs are bad m'kay.

Still this was a funny fic. I love fics were Canada can one up his brother. I think the pizza pancake was clever. I think I will have to try jolly rancher pancakes. I really liked how this ended with the twins curled up together fast asleep.
Pussywillow chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
This was flawless and I love you. Matt and Al's brotherhood, the similarities between them, RUSSIA...take me now
Guard-y nut chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
Nice, my friends b-day is 420...
fujikawaii10346 chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
As much as I hate Russia, I liked this! Personal experience, eh? *Wink*

So... Wait. Something's wrong with my... I DON'T HATE RUSSIA! I meant to say: "As much as I have RusAm..."

So... I love love love stoner!Canada~

Lessee... It's long, so it took me almost 20 minutes... And now, I need to knit (to keep myself from falling asleep, since it's already 5am. I'm usually awake by now!)

I love love love this! See ya next April? Haha...
Funky Bracelet Chick chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Bwahahahaa. This was awesome; Prussia agrees with me. They're adorable when they're stoned.
DanaNicola chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
This was totally my brother and I the other day...

We were stoned as hell and trying to play some Mariokart DoubleDash... You don't get anywhere by driving backwards through a whole race...

I even called my fiance, but I got a rather pissy reaction from him and he hung up on me... D:

And judging from how Kumajirou said that Canada was "Weirdly high and screaming 'I'm the emperor of the banana boat!'" during the Christmas event, I think you did pretty good with his character.
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