Reviews for Letters from the Bottom of the World
Dynasty-Of-Misfortune chapter 64 . 5/3/2012
Hallo, Tessa. I am Arctica, otherwise known as The Arctic. My sister, Luna Frost, otherwise known as Antarctica is busy with researchers. Therefore, she has no time to write letters. So, I will put her letters and my letters together. You're not the bottom of the world, my sizter is zhat! Or, I am ze top of the world! Say hallo to Australia for me and Antarctica! It will be greatly appreziated!

From, Arctica and Antarctica, The Frost Twins, Luka and Luna Frost.
Antarctica chapter 64 . 4/8/2012
Hi Tessa!

I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to respond! Canada was over at my place...

Thats great that you won!

You tend to faint a lot , don't you Tessy?

I could help you rebuild the church!

Don't worry, Happy Feet is back home safe and sound with his mama. Zuma was so happy to see her little baby again!

Yay! I'll be waiting!

- Emile Ross
Antarctica chapter 59 . 8/26/2011
Hi Tessa!

Sorry its taken me so long to respond! I got a new batch of scientists and i had to tell France to stop trying to harass them(and me).

I heard about the quakes...are you and Australia ok?

Yay! Zuma is really happy to her that her fellow penguin is ok. I am to of course...just im not a fellow penguin...

Would you like to come down to my country sometime? So we could hangout and stuff?

Im a little lonely down here so right back soon!

-Emile Ross
Don'tMessWithAFangirl chapter 61 . 8/21/2011

Yup, I'm New Jersey! Sorry for the confusion, but you have to remember who taught me geography. The only acronyms I ever learned were for all us states! Dad isn't all that great with anything that's beyond himself. He even forgot to give his kids human names until recently, and I had to make him really guilty for creating Jersey Shore. I hate that show. It's so fake!

But enough ranting...

Wow! I can't imagine not having sow for fourteen years! Snow's a yearly thing here. Sometimes it can dominate more than four months! I feel bad for my northern siblings, though. They get even more!

Oh, and I'm glad Hipi's doin' okay.

Wow! I can't think of the last time someone punched France for somethin other than pervertedness. He's such a creep. FROG.

Nukes, huh? Dad doesn't really share much with us, so we all just sorta chill most of the time. Leah (NY) and I are close, as well as Ben (PA) and me, but Leah and Ben aren't really close themselves.

You say things so funny! What are berserker tendencies? Hei kona?

Sry this was a bit long, but I don't really get to write letters anymore. It's all texs.

~NJ (Samantha/Sam)
XxDreamingOfDisneyxX chapter 62 . 8/20/2011
Me again,

But it would so much more fun on my behalf! But ok i'll listen to you this once.

You guys had Snow? Cool as girl! Aus is going to kick your butt in Rugby!

Ok i'll ignore him for now... Lalalalala I CAN'T HEAR YOU VICTORIA!

And if Aussie ever did you blame you, burn these letters...

XxDreamingOfDisneyxX chapter 45 . 8/20/2011

Sorry for the lateness! God its cold here! Hope you guys are all fine and doing well!

Aww why can't I? Not fair... But ignoring him isn't fun... Pushing him of a cliff however is more tempting...


Whoops sorry... Hey who thr RWC?

Ima end it there mate, I have a state to kill!

Later dudette!
Yukiko Ami Owari chapter 58 . 7/15/2011
New Zealand,

Hmm... maybe that is a good idea! But where should i send her...

You wouldn't mind if New Haven stays with you for a bit? (I'm sorry if she causes trouble!)

Thank you for the Pavlova! Its tastes like heaven on earth!

Haha, I won't let him persuade me! My hands hurt enough from cooking as it is..

Yay! That wanker!

I was ordered by England that to show that i'm American, i should start swearing in American, not French, Canadian, or English -_-'
Antarctica chapter 57 . 7/15/2011
Hey Tessa!

This is Antarctica.

Thanks for responding.

I understand that I have no permenant population...

But anyway, thanks for giving me a home.

Honestly, it bothers me the most that France has part of my territory...*shivers*

Bad memories...

Wait, you found Happy Feet? Yay! Is he recovering well?

Zuma cant wait to see her little buddy!

Thanks again,

Emile Ross
Yukiko Ami Owari chapter 52 . 7/13/2011
Dear New Zealand,

Yeah, i did, i even took away her books for a month, she won't listen. (She LOVES to read)

Ah...sorry about that...

Thanks! I sent you a Baked Cranberry Pudding for you!

Yes, yes he is. I'm currently hiding in my cellar just to write this, he wants me to mass product them. That Wank-I mean idiot.

Paula Williams-Kirkland-Bonneyfoy-Jones

The State of Connecticut
Antarctica chapter 56 . 7/13/2011
Hi New Zealand!

This is Antarctica.

I was just wondering, why is it that you and other countris like claiming MY territory and sticking your flags in me?

You and your brother, Australia, have the largest area of me controlled by you!

Did you guys ever think that mabye I want some of my territory to my self?

I hate being controlled by 7 countries at the same time!

Write back soon,

The Author Berry chapter 51 . 6/24/2011
Dear Tessa,

It's ok! Don't worry about it! I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. I'll send some lucky shamrocks so the luck will make you heal faster! ;)

YAY! RUGBY! I'm really excited about that now. And yes, I'll come visit at some point. Or you could come here? I've been a bit busy answering letters at the moment, but I should be free soon.

No, you don't need to apologize! Just stay safe!

Lots of love,

Iona Kirkland


Roma-Nana chapter 50 . 6/21/2011

A habit of beating someone up, that's different. honestly FORGET? Mein Gott, who would forget something like that?

...Did you not even want awesome independence in the first place?

Holland is very creepy. I don't understand how he can get away with things like that around the other countries. Some dudes in Europe are stiff.

Like Specs. Fucking aristocrat...

...Yeah, probably high when that happened. When people are high they become complete push-overs.

He's just uptight and really just never getting the fatty out of his head. Al is cool and all- but I swear to Gott if he doesn't watch it he's gonna bloat. Also, English isn't a beautiful language. German is! Ha.

Oh? If you say so Schafe.

You should be thankful is what! Bavaria is a dick, ruining my fun. By the way, I'm going pural because it's shorter, the shorter it is the more awesome it is. Well, when dealing with nicknames anyway.

Ja! I am. Still am.

...I'll think about it. Maybe if we go drinking.


Spanano chapter 49 . 6/20/2011

Of course, no need to thank me. And yes, it is comforting, isn't it? I had this mini-quake thing and America sat there and went "TONI~! DO YOU NEED ANYTHING? I'M HERE FOR YOU, BUD!" It was weirrrdddd.

She is brilliant, and sweet, and an amazing cook, but downright scary. Seriously, don't get her mad. Ohh, that really sucks, lo siento chica~ I know the feeling...Silvia and I hated one another for a time (a long time...)

Si~ cherry tomatoes are adorable~ I love them~ plus the taste good~ Ah, Lemon Tomatoes are really good-and no, they don't taste like lemons, they're just a bit more...yellow. Ahaha.

I think I hate all of it...he's not the one struggling to stay afloat right now...

FOOTBALL MAN~! It was so FUCKTASTIC~! Ahahaha~ 'Scuse my French there. Don't be ashamed, Rugby's a good sport~ Ah, gracias~




((On a side note: IT'S MY BIRFDAY~ *sparkles*))
Bavaria chapter 48 . 6/6/2011
Servus Tessa,

I recommend throwing beer mugs (empty ones of corse), or cockoo clocks (sounds funny).

Right. Germany, spoilsport as always, usually tries to stop us. Sometimes he has all his hands full keeping all his siblings in check. But right now he is busy with the EHEC disease. So he's a little distracted these days.

Ah! That's it. I wondered why he thought my cows/sheep were cute and "so much fun to tease" suddenly. Yes, Schafe means sheep. Plural though, that's why I guess that he's drunk again and sees double... In your case I would rather call you a cute little Schäfchen anyway (Schaf in minimisation).

Our relationship with France is a little complicated. I was allied with him several times, as were others of my siblings... until we changed our mind and tried to kill each other instead, also several times. Ludwig never got along well with him until one strange day in 1963 they decided to become best friends all of a sudden. To others they appear to be indeed good friends and work together a lot for this whole European Union project. But actually they still fight very often.

So you also think that France is doing this on purpose? I thought so. But dewy-eyed Ludwig seems to believe his new best friend, when he tells him that it's all pure coincidence. Sure... I agree, damned frog indeed!

You'll do great! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Revenge tactics? Aaaalright... Good that we have nothing to do with rugby. So I guess we're safe... or not?

True! Italy can be really creepy when it comes to football, not to mention Romano. But to be honest, some of our siblings are not any better. You wouldn't believe what happened in 2006 when Italy kicked Germany out of the tournament. All hell broke loose!

Austria lost again (as always), but he made some progress. This time it was only 2:1... but we scored all three goals. Ok, I guess that's nothing to be proud of. There are actually some sports Austria is doing quite good in, but that's mainly winter sports like skiing. And when it comes to this he has a pretty entertaining archenmity with Switzerland... and myself of course (old Edelweiß rivalry probably).

So we all live up to our stereotypes to a certain degree. Good to know.

Pfiadi, Bavaria
Yukiko Ami Owari chapter 16 . 6/6/2011
Dear New Zealand,

Im happy you didn't!

Yeah, now one of MY poor cities is now a criminal. (The 4th most dangerous city in my country.) I told New Haven to not follow Bridgeport, sheesh.

of the the order of the names...

Aww ok! I'm now better now, so i can cook for you!

um, he doesn't want me to write because it "ruins my magical alien-like hands of making hamburgers". Since I was the one that first gave the messup in the first place, i guess its my payback...

Paula Williams-Kirkland-Bonneyfoy-Jones

The State of Connecticut
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