Reviews for Jazz Age
Harpokrates chapter 60 . 12/27/2016
This is such an excellent story! It doesn't seem like the 1929s would blend so well with dragon age, but you managed it! I adore it!
BindedInChains13 chapter 60 . 7/21/2015
This was amazing. 10/10 really awesome. Thank you so much for making this story it was incredible!
erimies chapter 60 . 2/20/2015
Ah, this story made me so happy. In so many ways. Everyone was in character, and did things together, and had fun and, argh. So good.

I have to say, Hawke's thing with the gun and how it's all tied in his past and utter refusal to make deals with demons or break his own creed was magnificent. It always made me giddy when he actually had to use the thing, even though it was, what, twice? The combination of raw power, absolute self control, and the thin razor he was ancing on... I enjoyed that the most, probably. Like, the whole story was good, but those parts were the fresh strawberries on top of a cake.

Too bad there wasn't more about Varric and Hawke being the bestest buddies, but, well. I shouldn't complain. The story is already way more than I would have dared to expect. No one ever betrayed the others, not really. That made me happiest. And the little moments, like Hawke dancing with Merrill and Anders trying to give everyone pamphlets.
Kayden Pause chapter 19 . 11/9/2014
Isabella Anders and Fenris. Add my Archer Hawke and its a flawless team.

I just want to say that I love this story. My favorite game, mixed up with my favorite period in American History.
Thimble chapter 60 . 9/2/2014
That was a wonderful story - thank you for writing it.
BrunetteAuthorette99 chapter 60 . 2/4/2014
There are... there are no words that can adequately describe how much I love this. Roaring 20s (semi-)AU, a wise-cracking gumshoe Hawke, flawless writing, awesome characterization, a happy ending... this fic made me squeal with delight, and I am kicking myself for not reading it sooner.

Sorry for all the gushing, but it needed to be said. :) Great job.
Serpent Prince chapter 60 . 1/13/2014
Wow, your story was fantastic all the way through. This is definitely going on my list of all time favorite fics.
Meredith chapter 8 . 1/5/2014
I really love this fic. This like my 3rd or 4th time re-reading it, it's really well written. I have a question, and I don't know why I didn't notice this/make this connection before, but are all the chapter titles the headlines for that day's newspaper?
LimoneSnake chapter 6 . 6/8/2013
My dear, I hope you don't mind but I'd petition for your own canonization as well. If only Christians weren't so close-minded about sexuality.
It's 3 am my time and I have class in 5 hours, but I most likely will skip because Pediatric Med cannot hold a candle to your fic.
picklgirl chapter 60 . 5/25/2013
Wow I am at a complete loss of words. This has to be the most interesting AU I've ever read. Dragon Age works surprisingly well in a twenties setting. You have done a marvellous job at making it all work. I applaud you; fantastic, really.
HereLies chapter 60 . 11/12/2012
YAY! Mad Applause!

Oh, this was excellent! So very very good. I'm glad Meredith didn't do anything stupid with statues and Trip wasn't exposed. I can imagine Fenris unloading his gun really quickly as soon as Meredith said the word. :D

And we get a happily ever after for my favorite couple. YAY!

Seriously, I know I keep saying this, but this was simply genus. I loved every part of it. Thank you so much for sharing this!
HereLies chapter 59 . 11/12/2012
This was such an adorable chapter. Orsino and Anders bonding and healing. Fenris and Trip being a couple, as they're meant to be. Merrill and Isabella, simply having what fun there was to be had. It's all really sweet.

And it's a good reminder of what they are fighting for and how things are supposed to be.

And I really like it that Fenris can deal with mages other than Trip without spitting on them. (Merrill & Orsino)
HereLies chapter 58 . 11/12/2012
"I'll have anything."

Aveline snorted, "No kidding." LOLOL! Love this!

And I love how no matter who gets dragged along on missions, it's always Trip & Fenris first. Awww. And thank you for saving Orsino! That was just insane what happened. I loved that Fenris did the Lone Ranger 'shoot the weapon out of his hand' shot. See? Fenris is a Hero too.

And Merrill was actually quite cute at the end. YAY!

Time to deal with Meredith, I think. Yes? Let's see.
HereLies chapter 57 . 11/12/2012
Okay! I'm a happy reader! We have make up sex! Repeat: We have make-up sex!

And thank you for only making that a couple of months rather than 3 years! (Don't get me started) I'm so very happy that they're happy.

And Anders and the Justice thing. Well, I can see what he was thinking. It was a coping method and while it eventually failed, it kept him going and doing some honest good, for a very long time. Trip and Anders have had very different expereinces in life, and trying to compare them is really apples and oranges. But I'm very glad that Anders didn't kill hundred of people and put the entire circle in danger.

We have 3 chapters next! I'm so excited!
HereLies chapter 56 . 11/12/2012


Okay, that was 5 ghajelbillion times better than the game. Hawke running in to save the day. Fenris saving him! Perfect! And no one dies! And we get the 'I was a coward, nothing could be worse than the thought of living without you' speech! (Which I admit is a favorite!)

And now some smut? Yay Smut!
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