Reviews for Criminal
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
Okay. You’re absolutely right! OMFG. I hate you. God Blair whyyyyyyyy! :(
Running-Wild22 chapter 12 . 11/27/2016
Did Serena not listen to the plan don't discuss Blair with Chuck! She messed up her part.
Running-Wild22 chapter 11 . 11/27/2016
Nate is kind of a moron. Does he not know his friend? Dan's plan has a chance of working he is right Chuck can't hear anything right now.
Running-Wild22 chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
OMFG! Seriously?
Guest chapter 18 . 8/30/2016
I read it again, still feel great. Looking forward next story about chair, if you interest this couple again
Nausheen chapter 18 . 3/5/2015
This was an amazing fic, I don't know if your write about Chair anymore, but you're writing is excellent and I enjoyed every chapter.
edorables chapter 18 . 2/9/2015
"Are those Wranglers? Are they supposed to be ironic?"

I wish I could write a review that does you justice. I've loved "Criminal," and all your fics, since I first stubbed my toe into the fandom. And I've still loved "Criminal" (and yes, the other stories, too) since I tripped my way out of the fandom when GG went off the air.

This update is the first CB story I've read since 2013, such is your draw.

Anyway, I love the ending. I'm sad it's over, but I'm happy for you and maybe a little relieved too. It's been a total pleasure.

Maybe someday I'll do as I said I would years ago and watch Game of Thrones, just so I can properly understand your fics. But I dunno, my follow through's not great. And I have to work on having some steadier footing.

Thanks for being my favorite for so long.
David Fishwick chapter 18 . 1/22/2015
Nice idea and thanks for writing.
Kautia chapter 18 . 1/16/2015
Just finished it.
Might have stayed up till 2 am last night.
One word : Amazing.
secretffw chapter 18 . 1/13/2015
Thank you for dedicating so much time to writing this story. I really enjoyed reading it.
secretffw chapter 15 . 1/13/2015
"You could get a haircut?" Blair suggested brightly, her eyes darting towards the misshapen mop atop Dan's head." Love this line! Hate the image of Chuck crying!
Cosmokaramel chapter 18 . 1/12/2015
Finished it finally :) This was hell of a roller coaster and I am so happy you could finish it. first of all congragulations! I had to read all over to remember the previous chapters but as your writing and this fic was so memorable I remembered everything very quickly ;)

I have to say it was hard to read this fic before, especially first chapters. I remember being so hateful towards Blair lol. This was definitely not an easy topic to go with and the way you concluded and connected everything amazed me :)

Again, the first time I read this fic, one of the scenes that struck me was CB theraphy and the scene after that; and it didn't change the second time around. They struck me again :)

I loved the ending. Well I hate dumpty (still very much lol) and the major place he takes in my fave characters' life, but yeah he is somewhat tolerable in this verse I guess lol

Loved the ending and CB's future thoughts, NJBC stoned scene, Chate, Blerena :D Thank you for finishing and writing this fic.

Also I have to say, it saddened me so much to read your last A/N and to see that you won't be writing GG again. I hope you change your mind pretty soon. Because you are one of the bests and it is always a delight to read you and your different takes on events. Loves! :)
Tess chapter 18 . 1/5/2015
I have a love/hate relationship with this story, which I think shows how good of a writer you are. It's frustrated me sometimes, because I can always feel the character's feelings so deeply. So the pain, the hurt, the frustration, have all been hard to take at times. But that's also made the happiness so much more satisfying. So thank you, for giving this story the conclusion it deserves. The Chair fandom owes you a debt of gratitude.

And best of luck with your future writing!
Moonflower26 chapter 18 . 1/2/2015
Huge thanks for seeing this story to the end! It was a long emotionally loaded journey and the epilogue showing how Chuck and Blair fared after everything they went through was much needed.

Dan proved again that he didn't possess imagination necessary to create a captivating fiction as he sees his only chance to become a published writer by documenting the life around him and revealing his friends' secrets.

N-JBC were true delight here with Nate and his cougars and Blair and Serena showing how well they know each other. Nate's teasing regarding Dan's status as Serena's stepbrother made me laugh out loud. Too bad he didn't remind her of a sibling she and her boyfriend shared.

The spanking scene was hot. Chuck does know how to calm furious Blair down. You are a true master of smut scenes.

Loved the talk about children in the end and that both Chuck and Blair so matured after unfortunate events as not to wish to change anything if it led them to being together and emerging stronger than ever as a result.

I wish you success in your future creative endeavours wherever you choose to apply your talents.
Guest chapter 18 . 1/2/2015
Happy new year! You are a great writer,I love this you for this sweet fictions
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