Reviews for Wait for Me
Croke Cromp chapter 33 . 5/8
My goodness. This ginny draco story was so wonderfully warm. Thank you ️
ultrachols chapter 30 . 9/24/2019
I will not pretend. the fact that there are 2 endings irritate me and even more so, the first end was a fucking Harry Potter .
Guest chapter 33 . 10/7/2018
The story is fantastic! Loved it!
I’m a GWDM shipper so I naturally wish you would have skipped Harry entirely but I think even the harry parts were good.
And how you cut that scene so it could have two outcomes in the end wow... just wow
Lily chapter 28 . 9/27/2017
You r very bad u played with my emotions u should have let it be one and only dracoginny .I started crying and I didn't think it was a nice idea to do what ever u did in this story i started liking it at first because it was draco and ginny but with all sleeping with pansy thing u did too much u should have made it such a way that after ginny finished explaining herself draco would apologise and then propose her then get married have kids and bloody potter moving on with someone else .I hate your story ! Only from draco and ginny breakup
Hgwrtstchr7 chapter 33 . 12/29/2016
You had my heart racing in excitement, humor, and fear for a lot of this story. Impressive writing! I hated the GH bits of ending 2 was much more appealing. The idea of alternative ending ways very cool and least I've not come across any like that and I've been reading DG fic since 2005? Anyway, enjoyed it. Thanks!
kristinegene chapter 33 . 11/3/2016
Omg! I like this story mostly because of DG. I just dont like the part that i took 3 years for them to be together again!
curiousbookworm chapter 33 . 7/1/2016
I didn't read your notes on Harry and ginny's alternate ending and I can't seem to get that out of my mind (I'm a staunch Draco/ginny's). This was a fantastic story - incredibly real and well written! I came for allegiance but this story especially the ending really had me questioning love and life and all of that. I mean how does one move on after a relationship like draco/ginny? 4 years? I'm telling you, my unintentionally reading the Harry/ginny endings is what is torturing me now. Thank you for writing such a story that even after I've read it all in less than 5 hours and put it down - I'm still thinking about life and love! Please write more Draco/ginny long fictions. You're talented!
julianammatsuda chapter 30 . 4/18/2016
Allegiance fanfiction brought me here. I loved the story, and all the way you constructed the relationship of Ginny and Draco in the begining was very well based. It's like just the one year she got to know Draco was much more intense and solid than all those years she spent with Harry.
I'm still not certain about Narcissa's death, but I can understand. And I also don't know about Lucius sickness, but ok...I think he was stronger than that...richer than that...and possibly there would be potions for that...but ok...

I loved the story until chapter 29 when Ginny tossed the "engagement" ring. Then, i think ep. 30 and 31 were much more convincing. I'm a declared DG fan, but i think Draco could have cheated on Ginny, or at least that he tried to fuck Pansy, until he percieved her triumph look and then realized the mistake he was doing or about to do.

I believed the confrontation of Harry on his office, to be certain about their relationship and the will Harry had to reconquer Ginny heart. I know Draco was still remoseful, in love and guilty of the way he left things. But I doubt Harry would set aside his "duty" as a savior to be training young aurors, he wouldn't accept that...even loving Ginny ao deeply. And i don't know how Draco would fix things, but I think after all Ginny and Draco lived, they hardly would end up on separate ways. Afterall he did sent a huge amount of money to Hermione after that, and he still searched for Ginny at the party. They know themselves too well, both knew not everything were black and white. Both had the same sense of humor, a playful and teasing way to treat each other. There is too much to be ignored... Harry can be just too stable, too kind, too much of a friend to keep up with Ginny fierciness.

Most of chapters 32 and 33 were very improbable... Draco wouldn't do as Harry said and followed.. even if what Harry said was right. That's too impulsive and emotional action. Draco usually do things in a cool way, he's a business man...he reached the top too fast on his job to be that impulsive...he's more manipulative, he's good with strategies (he and Ginny were a good team in chess). He would take all Harry said, but he would have done things his way. He would never believe Harry was better for Ginny than him, he has the biggest ego, even if he would like Ginny to be happy he would step in, because he knows Harry wouldn't be enough for Ginny. Malfoys are always right, and always do what they promise, Ginny is "his". He wouldn't accept the conversation with Harry and step back.

I really believed the proposal of Draco on the pond...that's the begining, that really would close the cycle perfectly.. everything after would be a great bonus!

After the title and all the building of the story i think i expected a little bit more convincible DG ending, but i understand the line you draw, and all motives and explanations.

I reaally want to read more of your stories!
Please continue giving us your great creations in DG world!
Guest chapter 33 . 2/14/2016
So flippin' sweet!
Guest chapter 32 . 2/14/2016
Guest chapter 30 . 2/14/2016
Oh, awwwww!
Guest chapter 30 . 2/14/2016
Guest chapter 29 . 2/14/2016
oh my god WHAT?
Guest chapter 28 . 2/14/2016
Breakups are so effing hard.
Guest chapter 27 . 2/14/2016
Oh. It's going to be a line of duty death, then?
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