Reviews for The Diary of Arthur Kirkland
PrincessOfLiterature chapter 10 . 1/3/2012
Hehe! Fluff! :) Good chapter!
Hitsu4HinaEva -Hari-Sama chapter 9 . 11/27/2011
You've noticed the thing in Soul Eater, too?

I say screw paparazzi! Unless I'm singing Lady Gaga, there's no need for 'em!

~Hari Sama
randomness.of.penguins chapter 8 . 10/21/2011
Mothy.D chapter 8 . 10/21/2011
I was laughing so much throughout this, but the ending...did NOT expect that at all, and I applaude you for that. Can't wait to see what will happen! Update soon!
Premium-juice0 chapter 7 . 9/18/2011
MY GOD I LOVE THIS STORY! And I'm happy it's still ongoing J

Hee hee~ America and Britain are so adorable! And I just LOVE Russia in this one xD I can totally imagine him blackmailing Britain! XD

Yes France, be happy with Canada and off Britain's dick J

BrokenXFacade chapter 7 . 9/17/2011
Haha Oh France, you man whore, you. XD Oh, I support Franada, so this makes me happy. I don't know much about RussiaXChina, but it sounds cute enough. :3 Wonder what Russia shall do with his new found information? How did I know that America would say something about the "mile high club"? XD I totally called that right before I read it. I enjoyed plan SEAMATH. XD From a couple chapters ago. And it's always more amusing when America fails because he's forgotten what he's supposed to do(or that he was doing anything do begin with). In short, I demand more America-fail-edge-ness. :D I simultaneously adore and detest Hetalia's way of interpreting my country as a person. But sadly, he pretty much sums up what a lot of people here are like.

Yeah, I can't believe it's been ten years now. I was only six when it happened, but when I watch the specials and memorials on tv every year, I get emotional. It truly is dreadful that someone could be that horrid. Thankfully, I live more towards the south east of the US so I don't know anyone that lost someone in the attack- but my heart goes out to anyone that did. Can you believe that I hear people make jokes and take it lightly here sometimes? I can't tolerate such ignorance, and for it to be the country they live in it's sickening, I shake with anger when I see people like that. (I also once knew a boy last year that was super racist/homophobic/sexist-basically he hated anyone not male, American, and straight-and he would make jokes about the holocaust. I used every bit of self restraint I had not to turn around and punch him in the face. He mumbled that stuff under his breath, so he obviously didn't have the audacity to say it out loud, but that just makes him a coward, too!)

Eh... I tend to ramble on a subject I'm livid or passionate about. Ignore that... But yeah, I heard about the rioting. You are from England, right? We didn't hear much about the rioting(that being the reason that I don't entirely understand what happened), but it sounded pretty dreadful.

I feel kind of bad about spending more time ranting than reviewing. ;-; It's a review none-the-less, ne? I eagerly await the next installment. -

Until next time,

- Shy Neko-chan
Hitsu4HinaEva -Hari-Sama chapter 7 . 9/17/2011
I love you. I love this.


~Hari Sama
Soul and Heart chapter 6 . 7/24/2011
Wah! I have to wait that long for the next chapter? Have fun on your cruise anyway. I absolutely love this sorry and I think it's as awesome as Prussia! I especially loved Independence Day; it was so romantic! And I'm happy you included the royal wedding in the story; I was wondering how Iggy was during that time.

Anyway, please update with more of your awesomeness! /shot by Prussia for use of his word twice
Mothy.D chapter 6 . 7/22/2011
NOOO CLIFFY! XD Can't wait to see what happens. Have fun! :)
Sadik3000 chapter 6 . 7/22/2011

Hide your kids, hide your husband, hide your ... boyfriend

'cause we're gonna rape EVERYONE !


(what ? Laughing of something is better than crying because of it)(french proverb, it sounds better in french)
Sadik3000 chapter 5 . 7/22/2011

just the word itch me.

Whitehouse. is. FRENCH.

yup, it is, you can verify. The design had be taken to the castel of Rastignac in Dordogne. Anyway, how can canada possibly give nightmare to someone ? Canadians have done something ?
Sadik3000 chapter 4 . 7/22/2011
"Oh my God.

I just had the most awful and terrifying thought.

I am alone in my house.

It is dark outside.

There is a pervy nation that wants to become one with me who is right next door.

And America isn't here to scare him away.



Sorry. It had to be said.

By the way, it reaaally made me laugh to death.

So why do I still write ? Simple. I'm a ghost

Sadik3000 chapter 3 . 7/22/2011
21st may ? It wasn't official isn't it ? (just because this day I was at school, where whe have :no internet, no computers, no television. Funnyyyy.)

Yay ! Francis's will have his but kicked ! (yes, I hate him, he always make me think " oh dear lord, the other countries see us like that ?" and then i go in the emo corner)

go go america !

Do you know Dr Who ? I'm sure Arthur hates this guy. Because of him he can't have a peaceful christmas. Poor iggy.
Sadik3000 chapter 2 . 7/22/2011
Why is Francis so ... Francis (sobsob)? Well, I know many peoples who act like him(yup. They're scary. But funny still.) but all the frenchs aren't like that ! Are Picardy or Monacoo going to make an appearence ?

Anyway, when he says "I guess he just isn't clever enough to understand the greatness of Flying Mint Bunny." he's right. So totally right. Also, this sentence made me laugh.
Sadik3000 chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
I like you're story. You write well iggy's mean being. But why everyone put France in the bad role DDD !
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