Reviews for Even in Death I Shall Always Dream of You
anime and history shit chapter 4 . 6/26/2016
When Valentina was speaking, i started to cry...
anime and history shit chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
Awesome story. One of my favorite. Jocelyn needs to be with Valentine. He was her first love. It is just a one thing; You said that he will never forgive her. I think he will because he is crazy about her. And, if he did not forgive her, he would not searching for her for 16 years.
But all is awesome. I can not wait to read next chapter
talia1612 chapter 10 . 4/11/2013
next chapter please!
Queen Elsa Of Arendale chapter 6 . 6/17/2011
KissingxxFangs chapter 6 . 6/12/2011
Awww, poor Luke. :L The guy must feel so frustrated. :C

Hehe, as much as I love Luke though I really hope Valentine makes an appearance sometime. :D

Oooh, who's Jocelyn going to find? :O Please update soon, I cant wait for the next chapter! :)

Courtney xx
KissingxxFangs chapter 4 . 6/1/2011
Aww, Poor Valentine. :( The guy was a proper nut case, but i always kinda liked him... y'know, as much as you can like a villan. His character was just so... odd. Evil one minute, not so evil the next. Part of the reason i love him. ;)

God, Jocelyn must think she's going crazy. :( Is she? Or is he actually there and communicating with her? I wanna know! lol. As much as I love Luke... i'm kinda hoping Valentine and Jocelyn will hook up. :D They make an epic screwed up couple. :L

Awesome job!

Courtney xx
beautifulxxflame chapter 4 . 5/27/2011
Exactly... I love Valentine and always will. :] He was a little off the deep end, but really thought he was doing the right thing.

Great fic, by the way. :)