Reviews for Recover
Reader chapter 10 . 7/13/2019
I forgot to add this: Whenever I do review i make it a point to thank the author and beta for posting / sharing their works. So thanks, I got more chapters to read.
And I'll probably leave a similar pleased review in the adopted FanFic.
There was a reviewer who wanted help finding the adopted continuation: Recover (Continued) by two authors
Reader chapter 10 . 7/13/2019
My favorite is that from the beginning he kept her safety and health (both mental and physical) as the TOP priority before making any decisions whatsoever.
I like that they worked out the terms and conditions. The way he explained: how, why, where everything would be happening. From the beginning he verified that she wanted it and how she wanted to proceed. I very much appreciate that he sanitized everything, previously tested it on himself, and already understands the human body. As well as how people in those relationships use those devices.
The only FanFics I've read with these relationships ( those different listings he brought up) where same sex pairings, and I couldn't think of a way his choices could have gone better while acting independently. I read average and same-sex FanFics. I would only read something like Recover FanFic less than two percent of the time,and even then I skim and don't read the most intense parts.
TomParisLvr chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
I found this story on AFF and was sorry to find it unfinished. I was so happy that after a looooong time I managed to find the sequel “Recover (Continuedby Two Authors on this website. When you said it was being taken over by Two Authors, I thought you meant two authors, as in two different people. I was surprised when Two Authors was the writer’s user ID. Anyhow, I’m glad you let Two Authors take over. That person has done a wonderful job so far, and I hope they finish it. You blessed the world by starting this story. I know that sounds melodramatic, but given what other reviewers have said, it’s true. This story is eye-opening and thought-provoking, and I and many others are very appreciative of that. I also really, really love your lemons and the way you portray how S and M is supposed to be done.
TaliOtaku chapter 15 . 6/12/2019
Can you help me find the rest of this story? You said Two Authors continued it right? To be truthful, this story strikes very close to home for me. I've been where there main female character has/is. I felt so alone and trapped within myself. Somehow, this story is helping me heal. Please help me find the rest of the story. I need to know what happens...please. When I read it, I don't feel alone anymore... chapter 15 . 2/24/2017
Wow this was intense. Not at all what I expected when I started!
Kitsune Of Darkness chapter 9 . 12/29/2016
Hot damn! Normally, I stick to yaoi (as most yuri or straight fanfiction disgusts me), but I am amused at how well written that chapter was. Loved it, you have absolutely made me the most aroused I've been in *checks clock* 1 day, 23 hours, and 13 minutes. New record... :) I'm weird, so don't take me too seriously. And (I dunno if this is just me or not) I kinda feel awkward reviewing a story that has been out for years.

Anyways, you just keep being you. You've gained a follower today! Congrats.

Kitsune of Darkness
Cheyenne sparky chapter 14 . 7/18/2015
Ahhhhh it was getting interesting hahaha very awkward lolz
Cheyenne sparky chapter 11 . 7/17/2015
You did a really good job with this fanfic! You go into so much detail and your story is great :) really enjoyed it
Guest chapter 14 . 2/25/2015
. . . please tell me that was a joke XD
Sambucivox chapter 11 . 2/9/2015
This is some of the best sm#t that I have ever read, fanfiction or otherwise. You are a very talented writer, and I'm following you to fictionpress to read your original stuff now.
I particularly enjoyed how detailed all the character's actions are - not only the sexual bits, but the way they interact when they are relaxed, how naturally you describe their movements - Kyouya lifting Haruhi's arm in the bath was exquisite. Very satisfying. Although the final paragraph at chapter 14 seems to turn a darkish tale into some kind of parody, and I'm curious to know whether you got stuck before or after writing that. Either way, a very unexpected and, erm, refreshing, cool as a cucumber ending.
Lovetta Dream chapter 14 . 7/8/2014
Is that a bowling pin?... I feel bad cause it was a serious like moment and I laughed. But was I the only one who found it too be chuckle worthy
Guest chapter 14 . 7/3/2014
Update please! It's been more than a year!
thera913 chapter 14 . 7/15/2013
Your an amazing writter! I love this story keep it going!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/16/2013
This is one of the best fan fictions I have ever read! Please keep writing!
Oh, and I'm just in love with your version of kyoya... Kyaaa!
Sanna Rose chapter 14 . 5/11/2013
god. that is soo awkward! i didnt really like that ending but i guess it fit well with the story. but somehow i felt that it was a bit.. ooc? haruhi, i mean..
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