Reviews for The Brutal Hero: A Hot New Journey
Fiefdom Of Umbria chapter 26 . 2/21/2019
Easily one of the worst Fan-fictions ever written on this site and yes i'm aware of "My immortal".
Most Pokemon fan fictions are at least written by early teens/children and those i can excuse slightly as just not knowing basic grammar but Kasper here was 18 when he wrote this and though its been almost a decade since its been updated i still don't think he deserves a get out of jail free card. here's some of my gripes:
1. **terrible writing**
How to make a good story? don't fill it to the brink with your Self insert fucking animals all day long and some of the worst logic a person can use.
2.**Gary sue/self insert as the main character**
you can have a self insert sure but don't make him the guy who does most of the actual work and fucks everything that has an atom attached to it.
3. **Grammar, good lord the grammar**
there are too many spelling mistakes to count and thing is FF try's to correct them so i have no idea why he would just ignore it
this story is a special kind of edgy for a fic based on children's media, its gore and death are one thing but the amount of cursing and sex is fucking ridiculous
5. **END SCORE**
One of the worst FF storys written
2/10 the happiness i experienced when it ended was enough to boost the score slightly
-Fiefdom Of Umbria
And until my next review i bid you farewell
why chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
its a fucking edgy 9/11 meme
kotina chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
self inserts are not allowed reported
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 26 . 1/6/2013
a father that kills his wife/son what a dick
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 25 . 1/6/2013
of course team rocket it is getting old '

pokemonLOVER69 chapter 24 . 1/6/2013
he still has pidgeotto/buterfree i thought they were gone lol
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 23 . 1/6/2013
wait am i reading this a little to late
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 22 . 1/6/2013
lol no one knows you
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 21 . 1/6/2013
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 20 . 1/6/2013
lance leader of the G-men will kick your ass
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 19 . 1/6/2013
wow that is so fucking awesome
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 18 . 1/6/2013
ever had sex with pokemon:yes
pokemon:empoleon female had sex with,garchomp male had sex with,gallade male had sex with,dusknoir female had sex with,luxray male had sex with,crobat female had sex with,shiftry had sex with
personality:he is kind to everyone and when he does something wrong he offers his body to you for your forgiveness and will often be a dick to people who think his hair is to long(it goes down to hi pecks),he has a split persona that when comes out has powers that rival master alakazam and can only be activate when he is raped or hurt oh and it kills the closet 5 things that somewhat rival his size
hair color:blonde(some what rivals the color of the sun)
eye color:blue(the color of a wynaut's face)
description:one side of his shirt is the darkest black and the other side is the brightest white,skinny jeans just like his shirt,no shoes or socks, long blonde hair that looks like it should be on a tom girl except alot cleaner,has a belt with 7 ultraballs on it and a big pokeball buckle and a little knife attached,clean face no scars or any hair,has one long scar/carving decri[ting the future that his dad melted into his back with a iron(it tells how one day a boy will either destroy or save the world) this scar put the evil in his heart until he killed everyone in his family when he woke up he ran away not knowing what happened and fell down a well until he screamed for help but this well transported him to a new world where a woman named candice from snowpoint city and she raised him from when he was 15 because that is when she found and after a year she was fucking him and so did all of her pokemon soon after a year of fucking he was taught how to get people to like him by letting them fuck him if he fucked up but after he was raped by a man named flint of the elite four he killed him and was run out of the city where he found a man who said his hair made him look like a pussy so his dark side killed him and stole his pokemon where when he called them out they just said to him he can go to hell which he understood because when you come from an alternate reality you get poketongue and said please as he took off hi pants and his pokemon knew he would be a good loving master(some of this might go in personality but i don't care)
habits:fucking people/pokemon and killing people not pokemon unless they are evil
home reigon:sinnoh/america
home town:snowpoint/snowpoint
favorite pokemon type:physic
catchphrase:(good persona)don't get me angry please/(evil persona)prepare to die fucking idiot
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 17 . 1/6/2013
well is james dead
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 16 . 1/6/2013
doesn't darkrai eat nightmares
pokemonLOVER69 chapter 15 . 1/5/2013
i wonder how his pokemon is doing after he blacked out
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