Reviews for Dead Or Alive
Kenny chapter 2 . 3/12/2015
As with many of your stories, all I can say is wow. It had me tearing up as I read it. I would really love to see more of this story. Thanking you for your work bringing the characters to life for us.
yo chapter 2 . 2/20/2015
thanks for writing more of this would be awesome
Twizzy21 chapter 2 . 9/27/2014
This story is AMAZING! PLEASE continue this story.
linna.luc.9 chapter 2 . 7/28/2014
what a total ass! that's all I got to say to that. I hope they get what's coming to them real soon. oh and of course more please
tpes chapter 2 . 7/3/2014
Hope you continue this, you write some great stories
carick of hunter moon chapter 2 . 6/21/2014
interesting, this is a well develop story with good dialog & well thought out characterization
A Fan chapter 2 . 6/15/2014
Very intriguing premise. I'm a huge fan of Robocop, the original not the remake, and I think this story has great potential. I'm curious, though, about how exactly Xander will be altered. Will he end up looking more like a Terminator, with life-like flesh covering artificial organs, or will he be just like Robocop, with his whole body encased within/replaced by reinforced metal? If it's the latter, then any potential romance between Buffy and Xander will be very tragic, because Xander won't be much more than a face, just like Murphy.

Either way, this is very emotional. I especially enjoyed the conversations between Buffy and Xander. It's great to see both of them, Buffy in particular, being so open and honest about their feelings. I've always thought Buffy and Xander would be great together, if given the chance.

I do have one issue with this. Unless you've specifically altered Dawn's age, she should be 14 or just turned 15 at this point in the Buffy timeline. Having her be 16 makes her seem kinda pathetic when Buffy is talking about how Xander is able to get her to go to bed when he's 'babysitting' her. Dawn wouldn't need a babysitter at 16, and it wouldn't matter if she went to bed at a certain time, either, unless she has a condition that renders her mentally and/or emotionally younger than her biological age.

Anyway, I'm liking this so far and would love to see where this goes. I'd especially like to see how Buffy reacts to seeing Xander after he's been transformed.

Great work!
Tamane Deverel chapter 2 . 6/13/2014
Hello. I think your story has an intriguing premise, and it seemed to me that you wove the two universes together very well, considering this is a crossover. Honestly, of you hadn't blatantly said so, I would never have guessed that it was; the mixture was that seamless.
In the criticism column, the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that you get "then" and "than" mixed up fairly often. Remember; "then" is what happened next. "Than" is making a choice.
Also, your characterization seems to be pretty good; nice job!
Tamane Deverel
MS60Cutter chapter 2 . 6/13/2014
This should keep going.
The big problem I have is that so often Xander stops being Xander and that isn't for me good. Super-confidant and powerful isn't worth losing the biggest part of the character, which, as you have already stated, his amazing heart. If you can capture that, keep that, then you have a dedicated reader in me.
And since the same actor played the corrupt, corporate exec in Robocop as played Senator Kinsey you might even make a Stargate crossover.
Remember - XanderAlexander, the protector of best case scenario is for them to create an unstoppable engine of destruction that chooses not to be.
Xanderrocksthehouse chapter 2 . 6/13/2014
I see so much potential after this chapter. Years ago I read this fic where Spike made a wish that Anya granted. It was basically something a long the lines that Xander would know the most painful most excruciating death ever. In the fic Buffy wasn't able to stop the wish but alter it. She was offered to keep Xander alive not realizing the consequences of her actions. It was basically he spent 10 years of his life being tortured feeling this horrible pain every day of his life. And all of this is done on another plain or dimension. Well Xander eventually finds a way to break free and the first thing he does is go to Sunnydale. Of all the people he wants revenge on Buffy is number one cause he blames her for the pain. She could have let him die and it would be over but she chose to keep him alive and make him relive the pain Every day.
So I am wondering how Xander would look at the others who made this major choice for him. His life is no longer his own. Will he be resentful of what he is and will he blame the others for making him this.
I'm not sure I agree with all of them having an equal vote though. I'm time framing this piece in my head and I'm season early to mid season 5. Tara would have been in the group maybe a year? I think the choice should have been left to the core scoobies. Willow Giles and Buffy.
I am looking forward to the next chapter and am wondering how much of Robocop personality will determine who Xander will be.
Xanderrocksthehouse chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
I don't envy the task you have ahead of you. The thing that makes Xander so likable is that he is the guy with a good joke to lighten the situation right when it is needed. But Robocop isn't exactly the picture of humor. In the movies Robobcop was always stiff. Using dialogue like "Afirmative good citizen" Robocop wasn't the cop who told quirky one liners. But than again I think of Adam. Adam wasn't as stiff character wise as Robocop. I am sure how ever you choose to do it you'll find a way to make it work. I enjoyed the beginning how you tied Adam's history to the robocop program. I think the best crossovers fics take a piece from one universe that is viable and a viable piece from another universe and mashes it together. Nothing is more unnerving than a fic than forcing a cross over fic. What if Buffy moved in next door to Fred Flinstone?" It's like really? Really? But Adam seems to be a good open door for the Buffy world. Anyways keep up the writing. Doing great.
GatsuBerk chapter 2 . 6/12/2014
More please
Getzeye Dragon1 chapter 2 . 6/12/2014
Wow. I hate that guy.
Nice job :)
Going well so far so not much of a review.
TheDemonofChaos chapter 2 . 6/12/2014
a bit rough but I am thoroughly enjoying this story. Couldn't spot any mistakes, but then again I'm not an English major
Ghostrider chapter 2 . 6/11/2014
Really glad to see more of this. I am hoping you'll be continuing this story as well as the others you've written in the past. All of them are too good not be continued.
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