Reviews for Never hate your enemies
The DarkCat chapter 1 . 11/29/2018
Wov! I certainly loved this story the idea was mature, and stood out from any fics that I 've read. It had a creative idea. Anyway thank you!
Guardianrebel18 chapter 1 . 12/1/2013
This was an amazing short story, so that is how will became oracle, so cool!
Raven34link chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
NotQuiteNorm chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
I love that Will really didn't refuse and I especially enjoyed how you wrote up the very start assasination - though prob just me going GO WILL as I 3 her.. And it's pretty riveting - I was only gonna read 1 or 2, but I think I'll have to continue.. Damn it's good!

Also, well done, I'm no longer on my fanfic strike - maybe if I read mine it'll fix the ideas this is making in my head! :D
near4EVER chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
Nice story hope u finish it soon
Kalims chapter 1 . 5/16/2011
A very rocking mafia sequel! So Will's now the Oracle? That's should be quite a nasty surprise for Hay Lin

I bet she'll fix everything up with Taranee and Caleb. Can't wait to see what happens next!
XV-Dragon chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
A great sequal to your other fic, though a bit peeved the Oracle let all that happen. You would think if he was not going to keep them out of positions of power, than at least try to help them so they stayed on the right path.

Here is hoping Will can put htings right, maybe even revsne some of the damage doen once she knows how to use her full Oracle powers (which was a shocker I admit to fidn out she was the next one and that this was not the first time the council got whiped out)
NIkly chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
There's something deeply scaring in a evil Hay Lin... something disturbing like seeing a killer teddy bear xD. Go Will win for everyone and defeat the villains. She's Oracle cool! I hope that she can rebuild Kandrakar again.
Lexvan chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Great story! I like how Will became the Oracle. That was awsome! And now she went to Caleb and Taranee. Hopefully they'll believe her. And if they do, The next thing will be to stop Hay-Lin and her forces. And then reclaim Kandrakar! I hope the sequel will be up soon. Keep up the good work! By the way, why do I have this feeking, that Natasha will be the next Keeper of the Heart?
chaotic9 chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Interesting, I have to admit. It is a very intriguing story representing a future gone wrong. Although I never expected that Yan Lin and especially Hay Lin would turn against Kandrakar. And they still talk about Nerissa, hum?

And good scene between Will and Susan. You are right, it reminds about the last part of the scene of Nagato/Naruto.

Now I am curious to see what happened with so many others characters and to see what new ones will be introduced, so please update soon.

One thing that I am curious, from which one this story follows: the cartoon or the comic? I really couldnt find any indication except for this being listed in the cartoon section. But that means nothing, I have seen several stories refering to the comic in the cartoon section. Tell me which one is it, if you please.
Witchpearl chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
wow this is amazing i love this one and the part before! please keep writing and i will keep my eyes out for the next part!