Reviews for Mutual Antagonism
Vivsien chapter 4 . 5/29/2017
Had me going there. I had to reread because "there are two of them?"
Vivsien chapter 3 . 5/29/2017
Ha, I love how he's all adorably embarrassed xD you know, instead of just bolting or something.
Vivsien chapter 2 . 5/29/2017
Geeees, Sakura! That was brutal(read: hilarious)!
Vivsien chapter 1 . 5/29/2017
I saw that you had done a KakaSaku thing and I could not resist.
Dear Mei chapter 3 . 3/2/2014
Hehe 'tent'. LOL
xXJuuLXx chapter 9 . 5/20/2013
I loved this one!
mun3litKnight chapter 46 . 2/24/2013
I love your story and i know you finished this like last year but i still want to congratulate you on becoming seventeen and a senior. I myself turned seventeen last year and became a senior too and i already have senioritis ( I don't know if you know the definition of it, but it's when you become a senior in high school and you start to get lazy since it's your last year in high school). The story did skip around a lot and sometimes i was a bit confused but all in all i understood the story and i liked it very much. So anyways great story and i hope you continue writing more fantastic stories.
UNCPanda chapter 7 . 1/10/2013
Remind me to stay out her way
UNCPanda chapter 6 . 1/10/2013
UNCPanda chapter 4 . 1/10/2013
Love the nin dogs!
I'm With Panda chapter 15 . 12/3/2012
Brill! ;)
LaiChan chapter 3 . 10/29/2012
This one. This one cracked me up.
Skyrere chapter 46 . 10/24/2012
I love the way you love these two.
Skyrere chapter 1 . 10/24/2012
hehehe... my favorite short short of all time. XD I love the way you love Kakashi.
utenas chapter 17 . 10/24/2012
Awwwwwww, that was the cutest thing ever, loved it.
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