Reviews for Really Riley, Really?
F f chapter 3 . 6/23/2018
T to frf. f ff. the try f f
hopkinsf22 chapter 33 . 10/16/2017
Please continue this story! I've fallen in love
Transformers' BABY chapter 33 . 7/23/2014
pleaswe update n how the hell did spain win
FirePhoenix chapter 14 . 1/15/2014
I LOVE taking FFA It's fun with all the competitions you can do.
gracie chapter 14 . 11/29/2013
FFA! i'm in that! i might do horse judgeing. i'm on a club in georgia. \(*•*)/
TheKikuMobile chapter 33 . 9/29/2013
You are going to keep going , hai? Or are you going to end abruptly,and not put in Canada,Icland,and Norway Oh and also Denmark ? Please continue quickly?
Minako the Dragon Maiden of DW chapter 32 . 9/13/2013
Your chapter cracks me out. X'D
Roxburry Black chapter 17 . 5/22/2013
Oh my gosh, i did a presentation of that poem by john dunne just yesterday for AP lang and composition. it's one of my favorites. Thanks for adding it
Guest chapter 31 . 1/22/2013
I love you. ...Did that sound creepy?
CaffeinatedKitty chapter 31 . 1/22/2013
Hmm... :)
Lock Sweden and Finland in a closet for 15 minutes and see what happens
Sit on Russia's lap for the whole game
Throw America into a pond
Can I hug you? You look like a huggable person... :)
Grab China. Don't let go.
How long have you loved Finland?
Try to put up with Poland talking about dresses/shoes/girly things like a teenage girl for three hours
And that's it. Update soon!
et12356 chapter 31 . 1/19/2013
I dare you to eat one of England's scones
How many people have you slept with?
I dare you to grope Prussia.

I dare you to TRY and make a bad meal.
Do you find France/America attractive.

I dare you to kiss England.
Do you find England attractive?

I dare you to call Russia a communist.
Do you think Italy is attractive?
I dare you to kiss Prussia.

I dare you to sleep in Rena's bed fo a night.
Who out of all the countries/Rena/Riley (besides Germany and yourself) is the awesomest?

I dare you to be nice to Spain for a whole day.
Would you have sex with Spain?
I dare you to stop eating tomatoes for a day.

I dare you to grope Romano.
Have you ever had sex with Romano, France, or Prussia?

I dare you to read a Germancest fic to Gilbert and Ludwig.
Do you like Ray as more than a friend.

I dare you to flirt with France.
Which of the countries do you have a crush on?

I dare you to tell Russia you want to become one with him.
Do you want to become one with Russia?

I dare you to propose to Finland.
Do you and Finland have sex on a regular basis?
Has Finland ever topped?

Have you ever written dirty stories about the other countries?
I dare you to write a Germancest fic.

This is a great story. I wish there was some hint of Germancest though. Also I wish Canada was there!
Anake14 chapter 31 . 1/18/2013
America: How do you really feel about England?
Russia: I dare you to compliment someone.
Prussia: How did you meet Gilbird?
England: I dare you to dress like a punk for the next week of school.
Romano: I dare you to say something nice to Spain.
Germany: I dare you to prank a teacher.

((That's all I could think of...but I'm pretty sure you'll get plenty more to work with anyway...))
Guest chapter 29 . 1/3/2013
Guest chapter 29 . 12/29/2012
Dragontealth chapter 30 . 10/14/2012
Cool story! Update soon.
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