Reviews for Erasure
thwipthwipity chapter 1 . 11/17/2013
Omfg I absolutely loved this.
LucidKren chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
This was positively delightful to read. You use descriptions well. I love how you described falling-with circus blood and hot peanuts-it was perfect. I also /loved/ the ending. 'Erasure' is going straight to my favorites.

Shizuku Tsukishima749 chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
Wow! This is AWESOME! *U* *U* WOW! Poor Dick, but this is GORGEOUS! *U* *U* Absolutely incredible! Such emotion here, such beauty and detail and POETRY IN WORDS! *U* *U* I am totally blown away! *U* Rock on! Can't wait for more from you!
baobabs chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
A gorgeous, lovely work. Really angsty, but I like it. Your writing is beautiful, smooth and flowing and you really managed to paint a vivid picture here. You know, the nightmares and all that? I was really surprised when I read that he actually *enjoyed* falling, but then I thought that it made sense as he *was* an acrobat and a fearless one at that. ;)

There were quite a few absolute gems here, like "It occurs to Robin that maybe she doesn't have much experience with a species prisoners to their own minds" "Tangled in his cape and ten feet of a cut grapnel line, Batman says nothing, his limp hand stretching towards Robin in a parody of a reach" "-because it feels like his mother in those arms and it's all he can do not to break down" "There's too much pity and too many blue eyes, and in his quietest moments Dick thinks that Bruce's eyes are like ice, and wonders how cold the darkness can get" "What he can't figure out is why he woke up with the sensation of falling—not into a dark city with broken bodies and reaching hands at the bottom, but rather like he's passed the suspension in midair, and there's someone holding his hand during the freefall just to make sure that death is outnumbered."

and a lot more. It's beautiful. It really is.

One thing I'm curious about, though; when you say he wakes up in the desert of Bialya, were you sort of joining this story with the actual storyline of the show? Then would that mean whatever was pretending to be Miss Martian was the one who removed his memories? Or was it really Miss Martian's mistake?

Anyways, again, amazing writing. I only wish I could write as well as you.