Reviews for Harry Potter, Rise From Dust
Amazing chapter 21 . 7/22
This story has to be one of the best Harry Potter stories I’ve ever read it’s wonderfull truly intriguing the idea you’ve come up with in giving him a different was truly attention grabbing its a great shame that it’s been abandoned and I wish it hadn’t because this is definitely something I could see myself reading till the end.
Anne Bond chapter 21 . 7/13
This is soooooo good!
Please update asap... can't wait to read the next chapter
SupaChenz AA chapter 4 . 7/11
why does every single fanfiction I read spell 'choke' chock?
Harry chapter 21 . 7/8
This is so good... One of the best fanfictions
Pokepercutopotter chapter 21 . 6/22
Please come back bluezz-17 :( I need the next chapter !
Monkey D Dragon chapter 21 . 6/18
Great story hope it hasn't been abandoned
Hope u update soon
Maheshvara10 chapter 21 . 6/15
This is One of best Harry Potter fanfiction I read. It is amazing, I hope you will update this fic. Thank you very much
Slayer76 chapter 11 . 6/13
Just in time for the basilisk
Scabbers1957 chapter 3 . 6/6
Neat, using a Edgar Rice Burroughs characture (John Carter) in your story.
Dollarcidential chapter 1 . 6/4
Why is the brother always named Daniel? It is very strange that everyone choses this as his name.
r053 chapter 21 . 5/31
just finished, WHOA Harry is an arrogant ass that needs a reality check with anger-management or some kind of magic depletion as a punishment
timeshadowtempest chapter 2 . 5/30
Do please PM me. The limit is in two days
whitejlo chapter 21 . 5/25
Hope to see an update in the future :D
Sudhanshu Singh chapter 9 . 5/23
this chapter is really hard to read with all the emotions it contained
Legendary Legend Layer chapter 21 . 5/19
amazing, truely i hope you continue this story. although it is likly dead. i have read alot of fanfiction and this is one of the best i have ever read. i love it alot and truely hope you finish it.
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