Reviews for Closed Doors and Open Windows
AprDon chapter 1 . 6/1/2017
Lovely, sad...wonderful! Id like to
jimintomyjams chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
Oh, please continue! I'd love to read more on this! I'd love for you to turn it into a multi-chapter story! This left me breathless and yearning for more! Keep up the spectacular work! :3
hiccup-mikey-robin chapter 1 . 8/6/2014

I wasn't epecting Mikey to deliver the news to April after their 10 years of absence. I wasthinking that it would be Donny because he was closest to April or Leo because he is the leader. I was wondering this when Bam! Mikey called her 'babe.' I was blown away. It makes perfect sense for Mikey to do it. April and Mikey haf a connection from the start. He was the one who asked, "Can I keep her?" when she was first found. It is fitting for Mikey to be the messenger to finish the round.

No wonder, Raph's Monet's turtle. She is the daughter of her father. Oh, and I like the name Monet. It's perfect.

This is beautifully written. Your summary and introduction were well-crafted. I treasured every word of it. The ending was could also be a continuaton. Kudos!
Lexi1010 chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
Guest chapter 1 . 2/4/2012
Reymonkey chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
This is so sweet! It's funny, isn't it, how when we look back on the fandoms we loved as a child they can be even richer for the more mature perspective we've gained...
Megan McAlistair chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
the "I'm-so-cute-you-have-to-forgive-me" look?

and Monet is so cute

and April's feeling are so... there

I can feel with her

good thing there's another movie now

I love this fic, it's gold
trecebo chapter 1 . 6/20/2007
Very cool. Saw the latest movie and was mondo impressed with the graphics and the story line, to be honest. It was good. It was an enjoyable ride. And this is a nice bunny trail, taking the older version to an exceptional place worth visiting.
MidnightHeir chapter 1 . 3/2/2007

Too cute and incredibly sweet to boot. Obviously this is years old now so I half expect you've moved well and truly on but this was a credit to the fandom and I reckon its time it saw the light of day again.

There is a new fanfiction forum where I'm gonna head over to and recommend this.

IF you ever get the time, or the muse, you have to write again.

Semi-Goth Turtle Titan chapter 1 . 12/30/2006
I've been seeing this on ppl's favs lists for some time now and Finally desided to read it. and I really like it.

Good work, my friend.

Hao yong, wo-de pung-yo.

Good work indeed.
Iniora Nackatori chapter 1 . 12/19/2006
*bursts out laughing* Raffy? Oh, man; Red is going to be seeing red after hearing that.

Good story. A nice touch, too. And very enjoyable.
technetium chapter 1 . 4/4/2006
That was really good! *sniff* I miss my childhood too.
Corran Nackatori chapter 1 . 12/30/2005

When I saw the summary, and read the song, my first thought was Peter Pan. Funny how our minds work, ne?

Loved the characterization. I'd tell you I'm laughing my teeth out (literally, they're stuck on a retainer) at Raffy ("there's a little green frog, sitting in the water, a little green frog, doin' what he oughter"; sorry, life's a song to me) but it would break the perfect mood you set: wistful nostalgia, and a feeling of timelessness that's not as bitter or longing as it should be.

Mayber Peter Pan was the right thought after all.
innocent-rebel chapter 1 . 10/15/2005
Can you say award winningly beautiful
TBreader chapter 1 . 5/24/2005
I read this story before and i got to thinking ab out it and wanting to reread it and yea i found it! It made me realaly sad though. "snifs" I think i'm gonna cry. I can see the computer in my mind and the window opened...just in case. The trees moving the wind blowing almost like it's expecting someone to pop in but it never happens it...aww crap "runs to cry"
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