Reviews for Came to Say Hello
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2013
bowlfullofcherries chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
Aw shucks. I was blushing bash fully by the end there. Martin's a prick. Thanks for the read.
Darkwood Princess chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
This was hilarious. I love seeing how Joanna interacts with annoying jerks. The best part was Jim and Bones' response though. XD
Sith Happens chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
What an absolutely lovely dress for Joanna to be wearing, and what an ass Martin Eisenberg made of himself. How shameful for him to think the daughter of Doctor Leonard McCoy couldn't be a CMO because she's a woman. Hmmph!


zeynel chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
I love your story! Go, Go Joanna! *grins* Yeah, there are jocks everywhere, even in starfleet, and the differences between Jim and them is that Jim is the real deal that those like Martin can't even dream to be compared with. And is "exams would no longer be an issue, he could take it easy", what a moron! You writed him well.

"Whoever said that I'd be goin' with him, alone?" THAT cracked me up! Really, her daddy's daughter.

Cookies for the photos at the end! I really appreciated it! *grins*
NaomiBlue chapter 1 . 5/26/2011
I loved the protective Bones and Jim. And of course as a strong intelligent woman I always like to see a chauvinist pig put in his place. Thanks for posting.