Reviews for Fate's Twisted Sense of Humor
MoreOfALoner chapter 9 . 11/29/2017
Such a smart little boy, considering wgat he is going to sat and to who and how they would feel.
Exactly how Chloe's kid should be.
Guest chapter 26 . 3/31/2017
This story was absolutely beautiful. I just cannot get enough of chloe and oliver. What can i say I am an addict. Connor sounds really cool
Guest chapter 9 . 1/17/2017
Nice chapter. Still some grammar errors, but I'm pretty impressed since I think you said Englush wasn't your first language. As for your note, I didn't have a problem with Bruce's role (and I don't know what the other reviewer had an issue with), but I disagree with your beta. In my experience, if a guy is interested in a girl, he can get jealous of anyone she shows an interest in, or vice versa. He doesn't have to think the other guy is his equal, and not do I think that Oliver at this point would consider anyone who wasn't a billionaire superhero to be inferior to him. Still, I thought your use of Bruce worked just because there was a logical and feasible reason for Chloe to meet with him given her role as Watchtower. Good job.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/17/2017
Also, Connor sounds way older than three. I've been around a lot of kids, and even the brightest ones didn't speak like that at that age.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/17/2017
Great start. I'm glad Bart recommended sitters. I know this is Ollie, but generally employers don't let you watch your kids at work for a reason. Even if you work from home, you're required to arrange for child care. You can't give your full attention to work if you're watching a child, and you can't expect a child (especially a 3 year old) to entertain themselves all day.
Beachgirl25 chapter 26 . 1/17/2017
This story was really good;however I had a problem with after the adoption the way Mia was not includes as one of the couples children consistently through out the story. It would have been nice to see a bonding scene between her and Ollie were they discussed what she would call him and also how her relationship with Chole changed after the adoption. It was a really good story and I ok forward to reading more stories about this couple!
bk-1205 chapter 26 . 11/4/2014
Wow! What an amazing story. I just discovered Ollie and Chloe and this story is definitely a favorite. Connor and Mia are two great kids that these two have raised and loved and the addition of Matthew, Emma and Olivia just completes this amazing family. Thank you for writing this lovely story. Great job!
enchantedem7 chapter 12 . 8/27/2014
I remember reading this story awhile ago (year or two maybe?) and I was hoping you would update real soon. I think the last chapter I read was 11. But honestly, this is probably one of the best Smallville fanfics outs there. I really enjoyed reading it, even despite the 2 year gap. Hahaha! Anyways, overall, I loved it. Thanks for writing this :)
Raven J. Haile chapter 26 . 3/3/2014
This was amazing. I am glad they made it for a whole decade. Their children sound adorable, the epilogue was perfect for this. I had a feeling the woman Hal was seeing was going to be Tess, their daughter sounds like such a cutie; as does Clark and Lois' daughter. :3
bigfan22 chapter 26 . 1/5/2014
So I started off reading this story thinking it would be more about Clark and Lois and how the Justice league formed. With each chapter that went by, I realized it was mostly about Chloe and Ollie(that's what you get when you don't read the summary), and it didn't matter that I was wrong.

This was a truly well written story that showed us how fickle fate can be. The fact that Chloe was able to take a leap of faith and try it with Oliver, gave her the life she always dreamed about. I really enjoyed this story all the way through, and I thank you for taking the time and effort to write this for the rest of us to read. Great job!
Guest chapter 26 . 11/10/2013
i've read your fic straight from the start, and i should say it was hard to leave the chlollie and their kids at the end ! :) i really enjoy it very much... thank you so much for sharing, i hope to read from you again ! congrats :)
Ferity chapter 26 . 10/3/2013
Great interesting story)))
ladyevenstar22 chapter 26 . 9/11/2013
aww i absolutely loved it and enjoyed it very much! just for clarification clark and lois had a kid? might have been nice if you had expanded on what was going on with the other members life , you did mention hal jordan and bruce wayne , but yeah i would have like knowing about your clark and lois even if just a few lines to know what up with them but yeah this was about chloe and oliver!
ladyevenstar22 chapter 5 . 9/7/2013
niceeee! these two must have been pretty drunk lol
MaddAlice chapter 26 . 8/19/2013
Lovely story :)
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