Reviews for Musing Atheist
SnowingCrystals chapter 29 . 9/6
this was a good fic, thanks, shame it's prolly abadoned. but either way, thank you for your hard work
SnowingCrystals chapter 27 . 9/6
I didn't expect Kamui to attack Art but you wrote the scene really well. So excited for them going to the living world! I remember really liking that part in the anime, that sceme where all the shinigamis are just in Ichigo's room was hilarious.
SnowingCrystals chapter 25 . 9/6
This was an amazing, heartbreaking chapter. I was joking when I had said Kannogi must have matured for Airi to want to go on a date with him but it seems he really did, and that makes what happened to Airi even more tragic. I commend you for your writing, not everyone can make OCs so interesting, let alone characters you're attached to it a fanfic. great chapter! T_T
SnowingCrystals chapter 22 . 9/6
god frickin damn aizen, he's so aggravating
SnowingCrystals chapter 21 . 9/6
I love this, it's really good.
SnowingCrystals chapter 20 . 9/6
this is really good. artemis got her english back! heck yeah. also pffff, kanogi going on a date with airi, he must have matured a lot, that's good. Al's safe, luckily and we're on canon territory now! lovely chapter.
SnowingCrystals chapter 19 . 9/6
art is a Transcendentals, then? that's so cool.
SnowingCrystals chapter 16 . 9/6
oh dope, anyway, great chap
SnowingCrystals chapter 11 . 9/6
happy (very late) birthday! I don't know when your bday was because I can't check the date this chapter was uploaded but whenever it is, I hope you have fum every year! poor art, she's only 20...
SnowingCrystals chapter 10 . 9/6
I'm not a very romance-y person for fanfics so I'm chill with Art being ambiguishly asexual or currently uninterested at the time. great chap!
SnowingCrystals chapter 7 . 9/6
No, I don't ship Rukia and Byakuya. Ship whatever you want but personally, it's not my thing because I think of them as siblings.

Also I know I was complaining about constantly Histugaya but I think I might have gone back to liking him ouch, I mean you can thinking someone's a arse and still like their character, right? Mainly started liking him again because his and Art's interactions are really amusing lol.
SnowingCrystals chapter 6 . 9/6
Forgot to write this last chapter, but her rivalry with Kannogi is hillarious, I really like it. great chap!
SnowingCrystals chapter 5 . 9/6
Art wants to improve because of her friends...that's actually really sweet; also she's doing it of her own violation, so suck it, histugaya (wow my opinion of "he's so cool" to "haha, f him" happened really quickly although I still think he's kickass in canon). byakuya him but acting very byakuya like.
SnowingCrystals chapter 4 . 9/6
"I do this from the kindness of my heart and have no ulterior motive."
lmao, no. Poor Artemis, Aizen is a charming bastard so sadly thid is not going to be easy at all for her to see through him; heck if I was in Art's situation (sans my knowledge of bleach) I too would think of him as utterly charming person with little malicious intentions, except for his exclamations that "iT wAs aLl aParT oF mY pLAn" Aizen is really is a pretty interesting character.

I already, very much, dislike Hitsugaya, which is funny because he's one of my favourites, if not my favourite character, in bleach. He's being slightly aggrivating to say the least. He can feel however he wants to Artemis, dislike or whatever for being with his grandmother, as long as he isn't annoying about it, or insulting someone you don't even know. What's wrong with average? I like to think of myself as above average (let's be honest: we all do) but average is good; average is safe, and to say otherwise is frankly insulting. Maybe he thought it was advice, and I'm sure he'll improve but not my fave for sure. Art is still really great though, and it's fun seeing her interactions with everyone else; gotta admit, it's also nice seeing a character who isn't all-knowing or omniscient, seeing her not even be wary of Aizen after a fewI lines was oddly relieving, because since she has no knowledge of canon, it makes so sense for her to be which was good. Great chapter!
SnowingCrystals chapter 3 . 9/6
Man, there are so many things I like about this sorry already but one thing I want to point out is how you wrote actual classes, like the type you'd see in schools, which I like, K feel like with things in supernatural settings with schools like HP or Naruto, people forget weird as those schools can be, they're actual schools where people learn and study. walk two lifetimes, another si fic, did a good job with that too so I hope it's a bleach fanfic thing. I liked the bit at the end where Bea (Artemis? I do like the middle name more and she uses it) forgets about the haiku homework because I relate, rip.
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