Reviews for Defying Gravity
Robin chapter 5 . 2/15/2015
Sarah telling House he needs to 'trust people' reminds me of Nolan's admonition to House in 'Broken' to trust people. At the time, I didn't really appreciate what exactly he was telling his patient, and I thought it was a bit...cliché. But here, in this context, I think you have changed my mind about what Nolan was trying to tell House-because you brought in his past, his (non)relationship with his father, his mistrust of his mother because of her ambivalence towards him. He really does have to learn to trust people-his wife first and foremost. It's difficult to change a life-long habit but Sarah is doing her level best to nudge Greg in a more healthy direction.
Have I mentioned how much I love this Treatment series? I am re-reading it for the umpteenth time and I discover more new stuff every time. The mark of an excellent writer.
Robin chapter 2 . 10/12/2014
God I love these two.
gatesmasher chapter 30 . 3/26/2014
Great installment! Don't you hate seeing couples argue and just know what they should and shouldn't say, but can't get them to figure it out! On to the next story now!
Flatpickluvr chapter 5 . 7/9/2013
Hi! I'm re-reading the previous Treatment stories and found a slight error in this chapter. Tug McGraw was not the singer of that song - his son Tim was.

I decided to re-read the whole Treatment series because I'd forgotten when it was that Greg had the surgery to begin muscle re-growth. There were some other timeline details I'd forgotten too, and it's great fun re-reading the whole series.
BabalooBlue chapter 30 . 11/26/2012
Oh, another fantastic story! I love your dialogue, it just flows.

McMurphy is the right one for Greg, we all know it and, best thing, HE knows it. Can't wait to see them working with each other.

I love your 'treatment' of Wilson. It shows his character and actually, be looking behind all the camouflage it shows a very lonely and desperate person. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him.

And, finally, yay for 'no more pillows'! What I like most about this development (not just in this story, but the previous ones too) is that House is still House, even with better mobility and less pain. There's a lot more to him than his leg and now we're going to find out how he'll handle being better physically - can't wait to start on your next instalment!
OldSFfan chapter 21 . 6/23/2012
Delightful chapter. You can write clever dialogue beautifully.
Kalvinanne chapter 9 . 6/19/2012
I just love the depth in this story I love all the characters and the amount of back story they have along with their personal interactions with each other. You do a phenomenal job at creating such loveable interesting flawed real characters.
Kalvinanne chapter 6 . 6/19/2012
SOo I just wanted to say that I think your writing is beyond amazing, I have enjoyed every minute of this story. I read the first nine stories a few months back before taking a break from the story, but now Im back at it again :).

Your writing is realistic and I love that, I like that you don't pull punches and you don't fix everything :). I really enjoyed reading this story so much and I am sorry that I don't review very often. I can be lazy :)
Pyewacket75 chapter 30 . 1/4/2012
Awesome fic. *goes on to read the next*
Pyewacket75 chapter 25 . 1/4/2012
Oooo there's thunder in them thar hills :) I hope we get some good makeup sex out of this ;) So far you haven't disappointed ;)
resourceress7 chapter 21 . 12/9/2011
Loved the new foray into H-W banter, especially the code names at the end :) chapter 30 . 10/3/2011
It's a good thing that sarah has had lots of practice translating Housian into english and understands what 'no more pillows needed for missionary position' means in reality:)

The interaction between McMurphy and Greg was good, she can give as good as she gets I see. They are bound to clash a lot but greg respects people who can stand up to him.

Sarah's idea of getting them to see a marriage counsellor is good, they can't keep running to her every time there is a problem. I like how you portrayed greg's quite natural fear that this means Sarah is abandoning him and her reassurance to him that she will always be there if he needs her.

Great conclusion to this part of the story, looking forward to the next one starting (very soon now if I have my time/dates right!) You continue to show great growth in House, while not destroying the character, very good job.
MissBates chapter 30 . 10/1/2011
Well, suggesting counselling by an outsider was probably as difficult for Sarah to suggest as it was for House to agree, since she's almost as much a sucker for neediness as Wilson is, and here are two needy people continuously running to her. Luckily she has Gene and a good portion of self-awareness to keep her from setting up a monopoly on the people around her. Perhaps she understands Wilson as well as she does because of the similarities that she sees.

Although it is fun watching House test McMurphy, the a-ha bit comes when she plays the ball right back into his court and tests him. She knows what she's worth without having to advertise it, and she makes sure he understands they're on equal terms. It's a bonus that she shares his rational and practical approach - they speak the same language. Let's see how that goes.
anon004 chapter 30 . 9/30/2011
Okay, a little housekeeping first. I know alot about food (and I have the body to show for it, alas), but I had never heard of raspberry clafouti. So, I googled it and learned something, thank you.

I love how House first teased Sarah and then how he told her about his regrown muscle "no more pillows needed for missionary position." So very Housian! Good thing Roz isn't embarassed easily.

Plan B with extra guests - pasta, of course. I hope there were enough meatballs!

I loved the back and forth between McMurphy and House. He might actually have met his match! Although, I'm sure he's got more tricks up his sleeve than we've seen yet.

I do think it's funny that House is trying to drive her away by telling her how boring and cold the winters are. If she flew in from South Beach, maybe, but what does he think happens in Albany in January?

And they do have some things they agree on, like religion (or lack thereof), and, most importantly, how to treat patients (with whatever works). I keep thinking of Humphrey Bogart and Claude Rains, for some reason. ;)

And then Sarah's suggestion. I do think she needs to get herself out of the role of mediator. She's too close to both of them to be objective. Plus, she really can't be House's therapist, Roz's best friend, and their couples' counselor - too much of a conflict of interest. And maybe she'd like five minutes without drama, too!

I understand House's reluctance. He's not a fan of therapy and I'm sure this feels like a failure to him. I'm glad he seems willing to do it because Roz wants him to. I do think it will help them both and let them stay together. There's too much danger of their messing things up beyond repair without at least some help for a period of time. I do like the therapist's name, too. How could somone named Hazel Vorobyov not have an interesting backstory?

Great chapter, and I'm really looking forward to Autumn Wine.
LANIKI chapter 30 . 9/30/2011
Nice ending to this part - with Greg moving forward in his career and his marriage. It's really a testament to his love for Roz that he's agreeing to the marriage counselor, although working with Sarah has probably taught him that therapy can help. He and McMurphy should be fun together. They're a good match.

Looking forward to the next part. Hopefully we'll have a chance to chat this weekend.
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