Reviews for Gemini
GirlInThatDress chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
This... this hurt a lot. I love how vague and mysterious it is — I love your style of writing.
Tinuviel Simbelmyne chapter 1 . 2/2/2009
So heart-wrenching!

but I really loved it!
emptyword chapter 1 . 7/19/2007
Oh. Oh, how lovely and throbbing and aching.

"on the kitchen table a lump of cream, sugar icing and marzipan roses pretends to be a wedding cake." - Such beautiful descriptions. Could it be any clearer that this wedding - this Katie Bell, this girl - is so insignificant? It's not cake, just a lump of cream. It's not Katie Bell, just a separation, a divide between a whole.

I've found that most fics featuring Fred and George in a romantic pairing are breathtakingly well-written. This one is no exception. I love the title.
Grace Adreanna chapter 1 . 6/22/2007
...thats it? *runs to a corner and cries* But it was so good, there should be more. Well since it's *shudder* over then good job and all that.
Nina Wyndia chapter 1 . 10/8/2006
I like the writing style on this. It's really great.
Taita chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
I'm a Gemini.

why do they fall apart when they should be an entity?
SpellCasterLight chapter 1 . 5/22/2006
Ok i totally feel like crying right now I HATE YOU KATIE! FIRST STEALING MY OLIVER NOW THIS! YOU WILL DIE! Ok rant over lol i really liked it so thumbs up to you ~gives thumbs up & hugs~

Love your story and love you to lol

Kitty xoxo
Legwarmer chapter 1 . 10/23/2005
wow, i never thought about a george/fred pairing!
SexyLikePepsi chapter 1 . 4/16/2005
Oh, that was so sad. I really liked it though. Good Job!
many things converge chapter 1 . 1/26/2005
Aw... taht's so sad. And beautifully written. I really really love it. You should write more, or at least more F/G stories. _ v
starlollie chapter 1 . 7/24/2004
so sad seriously wow that was so horribly wonderful
Inari K chapter 1 . 6/17/2004

Oh gosh. This story is so sad. 'The Carnivorous Lamb' doesn't end that sad does it?

Great story. Really touching. I feel so sorry for Fred. Why can't George just stay with him forever?

one four two nine seven eight chapter 1 . 6/23/2003
...I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet. It's on my favorites list, and I've read it about a dozen times, and I'm disappointed in myself.

Because, damn, that is one amazing story. It's like...real life, you know? Where it just ends badly and there's nothing you can do about it, but looking back you can't imagine why it's gone.

Good luck this will never be gone, isn't it? *sigh* That's the beauty of art. Hm. I don't smoke, but I want a cigarette right now. Very odd.
tursi chapter 1 . 4/16/2003
it was wonderful, but at the end you kept me wanting more. u_u;; but i shouldn't complain. it was absolutly great.
ShinSolo chapter 1 . 1/8/2003
::silence:: I don't even know what to say about this story, other than how could you!

Maybe I should explain, it's not your story at all. I actualy found it wonderfuly writen and slightly sad because the twins can't have eachother. It's just that I, like the idiot I am, have dedicated tonight to nothing but angst twinsest and your story happens to be the 46th one I've read in a role, and now I am very depressed.

Think I'll go read a nice sappy Percy/Oliver to cheer me up.

Loved your story!
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